Y35. Outlook as a Presuming Singaporean

As time goes by, the Island kingdom reaching a remark counting toward honey moon phase e.g. White Collar Manufacturing industry, Airport, Seaport Trading, Tourism, all Servicing Industry into gradually increased work load and project events in terms of Investment linked Economic e.g. Formula Car Circuit, Casino block chain, IT security hub, Summit Conference, Youth Olympic.

The outlook remain positive as long as no terrorism.

Unlike Traditional Electronic Evolution Atmosphere, whereby only R&D Personnel suitable, the role to fit in Cultural Renaissance Atmosphere, need exactly the teams in music, art, IT, Engineering and all variety talents. These 20 years, apparently the mass influx of foreign talents had made the Kingdom a safe place for living and working, foresee no condition of Civil War trend & trait.

As a presuming Singaporean, I would stand on the side for vision to Christianity and Islam diplomacy merge. This could be the best scenario suggesting the vote of next general election in further higher stake.

Good Luck!

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