Y354. Biblical Application: 3 type of Doctrinal Training (Broadcast)

Presbyterian>Stream in the Desert 荒漠甘泉->Calvinism Theology 预定论->Predestined conditional salvation 预定与有条件得救->Suspected Erotic Defect Victim 或被凌辱->Toxic by Holiness

Villain: Neo Nazi (Economic Conspiracy Organised, Predestined)(清廷政权与宋家皇朝)

Affected Social: Family & Lovers (Enterprise)(White Collar), 广东, Hongkong

Mode of Crime: Virus/Genocide (Universe Maturity)

Puritan>Our Dairy Bread 灵命日粮->Vision Theology 金钱观念->Justified conditional salvation 指定但有条件得救->Suspected Bankruptcy Victim 或被欺骗->Detain by Righteous

Villain: Fasci (Military Regime Mafia, Conditional)(满清组织)

Affected Social: Co-workers & Classmate (Professional)(Pink collar), 唐山, Singapore

Mode of Crime: Earth Quake (Heritage Destroy)/Tsunami (Culture Destroy)

Congregational>One Year Bible 一年读经计划->Anabaptism Theology 婴儿洗礼->Randomised unconditional salvation 随机但无条件得救->Suspected Sabotage Victim 或被冤枉->Prison by Forgiveness

Villain: Nazi (Democracy Islam Terrorism, Randomised)(密谋基地)

Affected Social: Neighbour & Church (Industrial)(Blue Collar), 广西, Taiwan

Mode of Crime: Nuclear/Terrorism

“Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.” Matthew 16:28
站在这里的有些人,在还没有尝到死的滋味之前,必定见到人子在他的国度中来临。” 马太福音 16:28

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