Y360. Puritan Music Part 2: Music Genre Recognition (Post)

Brother: a. Music Pitch Law
Son: b. Music Scale Theorem
Sister: c. Music Tone Technique
Mother: d. Music Harmony Principle
Father: e. Music Scheme Theory

There are in combination progressive filtered on and escalating to better music genre until present and foresee future, since the Buckingham era when the established piano music invented.

This is called Music Evolution, but better understand it in Music Retro and Music Reformation, due to it is up down fluctuated along with Economy progression at large scale.

To name a few Music Retro Era,

i. Blues (Commercial)<>Soul (Music Retro Era)(Israel the Heaven Era form up, minimum to Palestine)

ii. Choral (Devout)<>Drum

iii. Classical (Stable)<>Lullaby (Music Retro Era)(Germany Industrial Revolution)

iv. Symphony (Steady)<>Tango

v. Hymn (Meta)<>Classic (Music Retro Era)(Church Reformation)

vi. Folks (Nature)<>Ethnic

vii. Jazz (Orbit)<>Hill

viii. Rock (Worship)<>Metal (Satanic)

ix. Baroque (Self Healing)<>Psycho (Music Retro Era)(Western Culture Renaissance)

x. New Age (Baby Boom)<>Sentimental

This could repeated and improvised but these are the boundary of Music Genre.

Copyright (C) 2022, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.