Y362. Puritan Music Part 1a: Tempo & Rhythm Coding (Post)

Tempo: It is by Heart Beat 60 beat per minute (i.e. The most Smallest discrepancy from those Breath Compensation).

60 b.p.m. (50% percentile), Church Pace

106 b.p.m (75% percentile), Folks Pace

14 b.p.m (25% percentile), Children Pace

Rhythm: Hence, the Coding is 60/133.33=9/40. The 1/8 beats is the 1st Ranking at 10% compensation rate. 2nd Ranking is 1/16 beats at 12.5% compensation rate. And walts the 1/3 beats at 22.5% compensation rate, 1/6 beats at 22.5% compensation, the maximum compensation can reach is about 25%.

Illustration as,

1/8 Rock and Sentimental (Church Pace)

1/16 Rock’ & Roll and Tango (Children Pace)

1/3 Slow Rock and Walts (Folks Pace)

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