Y363. Puritan Music Part 1b: Lyrics & Melody Coding (Post)

Lyrics the Quantised also the verse: It is the Linearity algorithm by the differ on the maturity of the Music Piece, it is a cause and effect mode.

Hence, the Coding of Lyrics has 4 Phase in a verse. It is begin with Pizz, and then Aftertouch, follow by Attack, last phase Bow.

And the Quantised Code is e.g. 1/8, 2/8, etcs. It is perfected describe by ASCII notification of Pizz, Aftertouch Attack and Bow, e.g. ZZZ, SSS, CCC, WWW. and “+” and “++”, or -, and “–“, as the subscript.

It has to highlight that the verse is predicting played by specific music scale mode as well as decorated by the harmony principle e.g. music harmony interval.

Melody the pitch also the loop: It is also the Scheme of the music, a loop i.e. sequence of verse by intro, chorus and ending.

It has to highlighted that the melody is predicting played by specific chord progression.

The Coding thereby, 7+2, Hex Graphical i.e. Chromatic Colour Hue, full stop.

The Chord progression is corresponded to the melody played, vice versa. The Music Scale Theorem Notation not belong this ancategory, but it is addressed in latter paragraph.

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