Y364. Puritan Music Part 2a: Music Scale Theorem & Music Pitch Law (Post)

Music Scale Theorem

a. Suspended Scale 7+2, G, D, the 42th, Piano, Hymn (Booming)(Dove) – Heaven
b. Added Scale 7+4, B, F, the 84th, Keyboard, Jazz – Hell
c. Major Scale 7+0, C, the 105th, Cello, Classical (Crisis)(Dove)
d. Minor Scale 7-2, B, the 6th, Violin, Ethnicity
e. Augmented Scale 7+3, D, B, 63th, Brass, Blues (Recession)(Eagle) – Paradise
f. Diminished Scale 7-3, D, 9th, Flute, Oldies – Poverty
g. Dominant Scale 7+1, C G, the 21th, Acoustic Guitar, Rock
h. Sub-Dominant Scale 7-1, F, the 3rd, Classical Guitar, Folks (Downturn)(Eagle)

The Insight: The Eagle and Dove of Music a.k.a. Circle of Fifth

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do

Do vs So vs Re vs Ti vs Fa

C, G, D, B, F

The Theorem: Meta Law Discrepancy

*This is about the Order sequence of Meta Law Discrepancy in which the Spiritual Ranking defined as Spiritual Maturity. Its a 360 deg, and make up the 8 Segment corresponded to the Scaled Volume the Music Network which is also the World Wide Network. It can be corresponded to Chord Progression, in which the well known Circle of Fifth was defined.

The 7+2 is the Meta Law Standard as Predefined, for it is the Cryptography of Quantum Dynamics, or Simply the Organic Maturity, hence the Meta Law can only capture to either Majority Man or Majority Female, in which called Eagle and Dove, connected the Heaven and Earth.

The Doctrine of Heaven and Earth, differ in Dimensioning of God. The Hymn vs Blue is like Heaven Music and Paradise Music.

Clarification required on Evil or Holiness Music. From Meta Law Discrepancy it couldn’t tell the Evil or Holiness but Sovereign of God.

Music Pitch Law

The Frequency of Musical Tone is called Pitch. And to archive the Quantum Escalating Knots, it had to be 7 Full Pitch, and 5 Semi Pitch, make up total 12 Musical Note.

The Frequency of those 7 Full Pitch is Linearity start at the 440 HZ for referendum of Resonance Fork, as the Datum Note Frequency. It has depend on discrepancy on the Atmosphere condition, yielding different Bandwidth Quality of Sound Texture. This is directly corresponding to the Music Scale. The Harmony Principle should follow upon these.

The Linearity maintain, as well as the Linearity rate maintain, for the same Music Scale, Full Stop.

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