Y372. Criminology XIII: The Toxic Methodology (Bulletin)

The Ordering of Game Theory

A. SME Scapegoat US – Pharmacy – UN

B. SME Think Tank SG – Food Processing – NATO

C. F&B Scapegoat CN – Mass Media – WWF

D. F&B Fund TW – Library Heritage – KMT

E. R&D Think Tank EU – Technology Discovery – NASA

F. R&D Fund UK – Technology Invention – WHO

Chinese conspiracy: Mass Media

Western conspiracy: Pharmacy

*4 toxic and 1 mind poison come from SME Scapegoat (Pharmacy Manufacturing) and F&B Scapegoat (Mass Media Industry) in which the Scapegoat is the most liability among Fund and Think Tank.

*Without the Mass Media Mind poison, the 4 toxic would bring you to Paradise instead (refer to Y368).

*Hence, the Biblical Villain combination, cannot configurated without the Chinese. e.g. 3per, 1per 3 times (refer to Y308).

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