Y424. Golden Law of Energy and Food (Forum)

Democracy has 2 endevours. 1st, Diminished the Cult. 2nd, Diminished the Mafia. Its belief the Genocide is within Communist instead of Western as the Politic maturity is young.

What facing Asia is not Job Security. Again proven in series of Economic conspiracy against the Semiconductor Maker Economic Premises.

Thanks for God helping. That is false Moves of them. Its turn out Asia able to survive in Globalization.

Jew Community, yes only Canaan are Strengthen and Fortify. Not Spotify. How can it be done?

That is from avoiding the False Christianity Teaching. That the effort of Communist Chinese. Surprisingly they are against Cult.

Its now naming as Republican Chinese. and oversea Chinese was the Bait. They are in poisoned. extended to oversea Chinese.

There are App, Client, and Port. Clear your port, clear your ass. The best I can do.
The Port 78. This is Earth Science.

The Forbidden of Lead Frog. The ISIS. Steve Job. The RPG games. The Multi Talented. To Guard the Duty is not an easy thing.

And the Time can prove the duty. When they is Role Rotation, the player group will be changed too.

There are 50 port in total. The 50 Hierarchy Network. Which could form up alot of Channel by Bandwidth.

And yielding 10 Port only, by Frequency. The 10 Division, to be more precise. So probing the mainstream port. They could mix with alot good bandwidth channel. Said Facebook.
So technically is possible to diminished bandwidth.

As quantum can be gauged now. Its within numbers. Max of 9. So Who things moves upward. Called The New Platform.

Each milestone is about 5-40 years. What define milestone is energy packet. That make AI Vision. AI must be Banned. It is Full of Bugs. Mainly due to Automatic.
And no 2nd pillar of correlation.

One run in 5G. One run in 6G. The must be supplement with Rare Earth. What make different is the Clock Timing. And, that is about Meta and Meta Daily.

So if we can gauge the Humidity accurately. We can passed the Bios Test the Clock Timing gauge.

It of course must be scaled. We could simulated all in Computer. There are no alot of rules.

The Metallurgy is the bottleneck. 4 times right. What failed is the Timing Tax. Dont eat sandwich. Eat burger.

This is called Food Economy, that trouble Christian. We eat delicious only. The Food myth is within the Poison. My mother said.

So Processed Food Industry is a Subsidy Business. Same thing analogy to Vegetables.
From Harvest from Farming, the Climate is healthy.

Its good become better, and bad better lesser. This is the Assurance, when they is opposite, that must be temporary.

The Progression of 6 division. The insight behind of 38 line of Korea and North Korea. Its a variation the next.

When there is no Job security worrying, then we move to Social Security. Or Public Security?

Morons…There is ridiculous. Quantum claimed back. What worrying is the Islam Prophet. This is remarkable confidential information.

I meant the Islam Kingdom not Islam State. The Islam Kingdom is a hierarchy community.

It mixed with Syria, Kuwait, and Lebanon. etc. To accommodate the large population, the system is evil oriented priority.

One major Prophet and one minor prophet. That is ruling the Constitution, the Think Tank. as well as Lawmaker the navigator.

Of course, I particular with the Islam States only. Full bet on Islam State is Terrorism Scapegoat.

The Full Immunity Scapegoat. This differential out the Islam State from Islam Kingdom.
All Islam Prophet and Scholar are vulnerable to be Assassination. Not Politician Islam.
The true Image of Evil.

You cant hold this. It is Evil. It has no faith at all, all of them. The Church teach Mathematics. We are not God. We are Kings, and Jacks.

Mathematics without Church is Placebo Science. And you cant prophecy, if you in danger.

The Beauty and the Beast theory. When there is torture there is Holy spirit. There is for boosting.

For barbarian no knowledge of bible teaching. In Biblical, Holy Spirit is gained by Score, and Buying. a.k.a. Atonement and Redemption separately.

When the Score is low, better save up. Two Quantum Vision. That is called Chromatic Flush. The timing make difference.

The Hue make it vibrant, vivid, creamy. When you have quantum vision. I meant equip with quantum vision eyeglass.

With more camera formation, could capture time projected picture. It could used as Timing Teller, by capture Humidity at nano scaled.

Make Business more edge, make Social more Structure. That why business merge. That the Secret of many IT com. Secret to many IT com too.

The Emotionless Strategy. If you are startup. To prevent from take down, is to maintain hierarchy, not rewards.

The take down is very serious in IT Business since early days. Due to High Level Content and Public Visitor.

Elect the best and main positive competition is prevent IT world Genocide. IT world has too many victim, I reckon.

And there is last final step. To every American Business I reckon. This is the Hijack.

Every Christian has two Shield. One is Genetic, one is Past Life. Best Bet is favour to Every Christian.

What temporary is costing. And That is follow the Closed not follow the Meta and Meta Dairy.

A Good Company is Auto Pilot. When the Country or Company on track, it meant the Economy and Wealth is on the slow transition.

This is the keyhold of 75 percentile theory. When that on track, the milestone has done simultaneously. Because of Fish Liked.

Its just called junction 8. When they has issue on maintain the 75 percentile theory. The problem must be the standard.

Ethnic is just Arbitrary. Precisely is the technique only. So the Standard meant Family and Community Cluster as well as Community Network small percentage.

That how the Wealth Heritage portfolio of previous Politic Regime. So the this population determine the World Heritage by Score and Exchange at inverted way.

There theorem of give and discount, at momentum way. So make the stream of heritage laminar.

Spiritual Boom could be killing than real bomb. Its man made community by charismatic. Same pattern.

The Islam State I reckon. Few times of Rotations. My friend call them RPG. This is Magical.

5 lens is the Keyhold. When you has the venue and latitude etc. you can spot people.
Make this Technology Commercial please.

It cannot used on timing duration, as timing has tax. But only Timeframe gauge.
God made and man made are difference.

The God doesnt make Land Mine. God made Roulette Pistol. Golden Rule, dont play with Timing kinda.

Time can killing people. Make you bend. Time itself is bomb. Spiritual Bomb is time bomb. When that occur is running of time.

Time can run, man cannot run. When there is running man, there is Truman. My stance is clear, the World must be Liberalised at bass fortify, then Internationalised together Globalised, that all.

When there is Satan, the Fundamental Law could loophole. That could lead you to fantasy or Wizard of Oz.

When there is No Room for Law Frauding, that could Islam Prayer did magical. Hence, that is costly and placebo. Don’t worry. Be great.

When everybody right, then 100% guarantee escort. You will inheritance of Heritage from/in Heaven.

2nd clause, is to meet the 50% percentile population. By 2 parallel way, score and exchange. The mainstream by score, and Christian by exchange.

That include reject christian christian. Let show your muscle. So those poverty are those non Commonsense Religion.

Eating Vegetable? Mental Music Training? Tinitus? School Test? Army Test?
Islam has new brainstorming.

No to test thing for selection. In Singapore, they called in Streaming.

Ultimately should be Monetary Control. The Power of God is mere of this. So when all this is right, we should be on the way it goes.

Yes, the background is condemn. Christmas count down. From Top to bottom.
From Mining rich country is remote country.

Due to the Spiritual Rich. No climate issue. That is comfort zone instead. And the least is the Crude Oil Rich Country.

Precisely this tells about the Geothermal and Genetic only. The Free play is limited to Cryptography Identity.

50 Hierarchy. The World Meta. For example Labour. And Military the highest. Highest mean identity, lowest mean identical.

So this determine the Remote Country and City Country. The China University teaching in past decade.

The Traffic University. Alot. All begin with with Bicycle. What their big plan? The calling of Son of Dragon.

We have conquer Climate Change, and Social Population Chaos. But all build on soft rock.

The Political Evolution and Naming system. Meaning political evolution determine the Maturity of Spiritual.

Meaning Information mass media has too little. This filtered out alot of evil.
Free Mass Media is Terrorism.

Terrorism Government Hijack Righteous Government. Politic is a money game.
Low Pay Politician has alot.

Terrorism is about Religion Benefit. The Hell Religion. Make Paradise become Hell.
Hell mean Identical.

When the country is temporary, it mean hell. Or heaven like wise. There is only Temporary Terrorism Benefit.

It cost alot to maintain, particular to Spiritual Rich Country. In most asia Country, we called it Martial Act.

To personal also same. In ancient all the way until modern day. Called it Lock Tradezone. Feudal system.

That the Fight against the Postpone Heaven Organisation. Take the earliest Flight, let those dead bury the dead.

Just entertainment, no for high blood pressure. Don’t ask people join you. If you are Islam, don’t ask Christian Convert.

We are upgrading progressively whole world. No country left behind. Those remain third world is Anti Semitic closure.

You couldnt name alot. I meant it is building castle in the sky. A New World Indeed called Third World.

By Meta Science, all Heritage should be Culture. No fashion. That is for Actor. Most Celebrity has moderate Wealth, because of Duty a nd Levy.

The Levy and Duty could put you in jail, in ancient. Democracy is for terrorism, and hence politician are safe.

Sound correct, but no commonsense. There are 2 kind Democracy, the Begin with diminished Cult and Ending with diminished Mafia.

Wrong side makes double action. The Democrat Capitalist, and Democract Socialist the one cope with Think Tank.

Its Liberal after all, all politic is game. That why control politic is not for goal is for score.
Its for education.

I still adapt Martial Act, when crisis. When you have less connnection, you have more shield. Vice verse. All are fake one.

That is Christology theology. The Christ Church teaching. Its more or less compare to Mainstream.

When the time reached, whole world become floated. Not suprise, that the Gold mining.
ESD could proven. The Gold Provide the Stiff Job.

Lets Make a Conclusion on the Terrorism Battle. The Insight tells its could be Active or Passive. Dont Panic.

Whatever, Active or Passive. Both point toward Religion Benefit. That is the Insight Tellers. Say Islam Democrats and Charismatic Wave Champaign.

Marxist Communist is Nazi hideout, and belief linked with Terrorism. This is abit Variation, as Marxist Communist China, is belong to Mao Zhedong Politic Idealogy not Karl Marx Politic Idealogy. Building on different Foundation on Marriage Act.

Marriage Theory of Fish. Those Fish Theory inclined are those to Change the Heaven and Earth upside down. These apparently can seen from the 50 Land Communities.
You Win some you lose some.

Does Heaven Heritage vulnerable from Terrorism? Let make a good deal. When people losing Justice, terrorism is the keyhold.

Let’s justice be quick. People thought War is justice, in fact this is undeniable. But We are no more barbarian to fight the War.

So End Terrorism and End the War, End Everything. Start Free Speech which is good.
Words is Build, War is destroy, Terrorism is hiding.

When Business Merge, it losing more. Democracy is localisation. a.k.a. Liberalisation.
So Islam State form (Sri Lanka), China Oriental Democracy forms (Hongkong). Both are Terrorism.

This is for Religion Benefit, The Islam State join with Charismatic forms Womanized Society.

This is a Homogeneous Society. One Leader. Precisely, One Iconic Leader. It has to be that way, people said Dalai Lama. Maybe Next.

Who grab the stick, who has the iconic Spiritual. I don’t know how many generation now.

So Those Church Serving False Pentecost Ministry called False Spirit. And those Islam serving the Pentecost Ministry.

The Babel Tower. What Christian Do, Islam Cannot Do. They are God breed. And Christian Has Alot Levy.

Let’s facing the benefit that God giving. All has gift, just blind faith for those low power. The least is the greatest in Fashion Society. This is norms.

This is the scam to join the big group evil. When the Society growth Large, it become bottom ranking.

And that could become the top either. If it is God Breed Ethnic. Heritage thief become topic now.

We Christian are Christ Breed. Or Jesus breed. This list out Energy & Food Heritage and Blueprint & Culture Heritage.

Once you got the Treasure of Blueprint. Everything just cast out. This make up Christian Organisation in future.

To less Workers. Culture is the Opposite to Blueprint, it is suppose to Projected out into Every Humanity Records, a Museum Retro.

Talk about Food, Japanese and Korea Food is most Profitable. Indian and African Food also Profitable. Not Kebab.

There rest called Christian Food, Fine Dining. For Passionate Chef. Chinese Hawker food has poison.

Same thing apply to Combustion, Reactor, Generator, and Fuel Cell. These Energy Heritage is immediate availability to Islam Country, due to Bottleneck of Nuclear Treaty.

As Nuclear Treaty is toward Christian Country. When talk about environment protection, Christian Country has alot of Regulation to meet.

But not Islam Country as their product sell to Middle East. This make Energy expensive Bill to West and China, same same. All from Royalism Concept.

Mistake comes with Free Lesson. Nobody do energy better than American. “Go is a must, and there is U turn”. Soldier Attitude. Just procedure.

They good job are those no levy.

Copyright (C) 2022, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.