A. Christian Ministry (Business): Spiritual Body/Soul->Goat and Sheep, Gentile->Top 66.6% optimum gradually, and 100% (Abraham Law, Meta, e.g. Treasure), Nuclear Treaty
(Universe Maturity Dependence, e.g. Hinduism diminished, Oriental, Terrorism Protest Threat converge out to Goat, Genocide Threat fade off to Sheep)
B. Doctrinal Training (Music): Holy Spirit/Evil Spirit->Goat and Sheep, Antichrist->100%, and 75% saturated gradually (Leviticus Law, Quantum, e.g. Milestone), Hygienic Policy
(Spiritual Maturity Dependence, e.g. Buddhism diminished, Promised Land, Famine Threat fade off to Goat, Disease Threat saturated to Sheep)
C. Christian Education (Science): Pentecost/Ghost->Goat and Lamb, Scapegoat->75% maximum, and 66.6% balanced gradually (Moses Law, Pentecost, e.g. Security), Climate Protocol
(Politic Maturity Dependence, e.g. Islam diminished, Utopia, War Threat minimal to Goat, Crime Threat scale down to Lamb)
*Must 3 score! Total 50% Percentile
*Righteous Goat/Sheep vs Evil – Antichrist, Scapegoat, Gentile
*e.g. There are only Jew, Anglo, Germans can get 100% Scored on Christian Ministry, But among that, only Jew can managed top 75% Scored on Doctrinal Training. Hence, this is the technique of Duality Score, a.k.a. Bridging.
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