Y429. Christian Politics X: Politic Leader a.k.a. Scapegoat (Census)

A. No. 10 Sales (White House – United States, Germans King – Anti Disaster)
NATO, Russian Bratva, Federation Socialist, Pope (Engineering Institute), Teaching Pope (Bruce Lee, 孙权), Messiah a.k.a. David (Post-Advent)(Small/Big Loop)
ASV, CSB Translation, Episcopal a.k.a. Methodist – Arminianism, Vision Theology (UK)(桂佛)
No. 12 Sales (Thailand Gland Palace, Anglo King – Disaster)
FBI, Irish Mafia, Democrat Socialist, King (Business School), Think Tank (Catholic), Disaster x 1 (Politician Scapegoat), Learning King (Holmes, 吕布), Satan a.k.a. Son of Man (Parallel)
Christian Ministry->Formula (Public vs Private), Literature Treasure->Chronography & Navigation & Calligraphy
a.k.a. Blueprint Decryption (Genesis)
a. Techies (Cat), in Eb key, Suspended Scale 7+2, G, D, the 42th, Piano, Hymn (Booming)(Dove) – Heaven, Jet Kun Do 截拳道/Spy 情报员/Striker 先锋
c. Nerds (Sheep), in C key, Major Scale 7+0, C, the 105th, Cello, Classical (Crisis)(Dove), Kungfu 内功/Chancellor  总理/Backup 后备

B. No. 4 Financial (Rio – Brazil, Germans Pope – Word Prison)
WWF, East India Company, Marxist Socialist, King (Economic School), Teaching King (Sun Yat Sen,司马昭)
ESV, NLT Translation, Vatican a.k.a. Baptist – Anabaptism (EU)(京)
Jesus a.k.a. Elijah (Post-Oriental)(Small/Big Loop)
No. 9 Financial (Vatican – Italy, Anglo Pope – Anti Word Prison)
Vatican, Italian Mafia, Federation Socialist, Pope (Engineering Institute), Think Tank (Vatican), Word Prison (Unpublished Blueprint Piracy), Learning Pope (Joe Biden,曹操), False Christ a.k.a. Antichrist (Grouped)
Public Ministry->Map (Public vs Private), Food & Energy->Sins Clock (Ref. Redemption) a.k.a. Geographical Burden (Exodus)
g. Fans (Dog), in G key, Dominant Scale 7+1, C G, the 21th, Acoustic Guitar, Rock, Taiji 太极拳/Captain 班长/Fans  啦啦队

C. No. 6 Personnel (Imperial Palace, Japan – Germans Queen – Anti Chronic Illness)
WHO, Fasci Japan, Monarchy Socialist, President (Music College), Teaching President (Abraham Lincoln, 关羽), Joshua a.k.a. Bruce (Mid-Advent)(Big/Small Loop)
NIV+CCB, CUV Translation, Pentecostal a.k.a. Presbyterian – Calvinism i.e. Canonical Theology, Victory Theology (INTL)(闽)
No. 11 Personnel (Buckingham Palace, United Kingdom – Anglo Queen – Chronic Illness)
ZION, Communist, Marxist Socialist, Queen (Economic School), – Scapegoat (Doctor), Chronic Illness x 6 (War Fund), Learning Doctor (Lee Hsien Loong 袁绍), False Prophet a.k.a. Satan (Grouped)
Doctrinal Training->Calligraphy (Public vs Private) a.k.a. Manufactured Heritage->Family Generations Montage (Ref. Atonement)(Chronicle)
d. Nuts (Fish), in E key, Minor Scale 7-2, B, the 6th, Violin, Ethnicity, Wingchun 咏春拳/Private 帅兵/League Manager 教练
f. Geeks (Frog), in Gb key, Diminished Scale 7-3, D, 9th, Flute, Oldies – Poverty, Karate 空手道/General 将军/Referee 裁判

D. No. 7 Technical (Jerusalem – Israel, Germans President – Trojan Horse)
NASA, Neo Nazi Organised, Nationalist, Queen (Military Institute), Scapegoat (Politician), Teaching Doctor, Trojan Horse (Unpublished Calligraphy Frauding), (Neil Armstrong, 刘备), James a.k.a. Noah (Mid-Oriental)(Big/Small Loop)
KJV+Holman, CKJV Translation, Fundamentalist a.k.a. Puritan Music – Creationism (US)(汉)
No. 2 Technical (Iskandar Palace – Malaysia, Anglo President – Anti Trojan Horse)
Jerusalem, Nazi Germany, Monarchy Socialist, President (Medical College) – Learning President (Albert Einstein 赵云), Man of Sins a.k.a. Man of Lawlessness (Parallel)
Puritan Music->Role (Public vs Private) a.k.a. Culture & Humanity->Natalism & Pluto (Jobs)
e. Gurus (Goat), in F Key, Augmented Scale 7+3, D, B, 63th, Brass, Blues (Recession)(Eagle) – Paradise, Tae Kun Do 跆拳道/Commander 总司令/Back Field 后卫

E. No. 8 Accounting (Pentagon – Hawaii, Germans Jack – Anti Terrorism)
KMT, Qing Dynasty, Democracy, Colonel (Medical College), Teaching Colonel (Elon Musk 孙策), Christ a.k.a. John the Baptist (Pre-Advent)(Mid Loop)
NKJV, CNV Translation, Catholic a.k.a. Eastern Orthodox – Christology i.e. Biblical, Mariology i.e. Doctrine Theology (RUS)(蒙)(粤)
No. 5 Accounting (Blue House – Korea, Anglo Jack – Terrorism)
World Bank, Qing Military, Nationalist, Jack (Military Institute) – Funding (IPO vs Blockchain)(War Fund,
World Bank (Pound Sterling, US Dollar, Ringgit), Globalisation), Terrorism x 2+0.875m (Catholic Think Tank), Learning Empire (Bill Gates 马超), Serpent a.k.a. Beast (Alternative)
Christian Education->Projection & Cast Out->Research Compensation & Producing Wage a.k.a. Empire Branding->Mortgage Loan (Nehemiah)
h. Morons (Lion), in D key, Sub-Dominant Scale 7-1, F, the 3rd, Classical Guitar, Folks (Downturn)(Eagle), Chinese Boxing八极拳/Colonel 上校/Keeper 守卫

F. No. 3 Marketing (Dubai Tower – Arab, Germans Colonel – Colony)
UN, Qing Mafia, Democrat Socialist, Jack (Business School), Teaching Empire (George Washington 诸葛亮), Santa Claus a.k.a. Luther (Pre-Oriental)(Mid Loop)
Hebrew, Tyndale Translation, Congregational a.k.a. Charismatic – Systematic Theology, Advent Theology (AU)(津)
No. 1 Marketing (Istana Palace – Singapore, Anglo Colonel – Anti Colony)
CIA, Qing Organised, Democracy, Colonel (Medical College) – Funding (Cult Fund, Japan Bank (EU, AU Dollar), Liberalisation), Colony (Blockchain Technology Scamming), Learning Colonel (George Solos 张飞), Devil a.k.a. Dragon (Grouped)
Christian Reformation i.e. Religion Unity->Loyalty & Royalty->Tax Collecting (Bill vs Income) a.k.a. Premier Vault (Esther)
b. Freaks (Tiger), in C# Key, Added Scale 7+4, B, F, the 84th, Keyboard, Jazz – Hell, Shaolin 少林/Surgent 中尉/Mid Field 中场

*Semitic Persecution (Islam States, Anglo 京), God Misconduction
*Christian Persecution (Islam Prayer, Germans 闽), Church Misconduction

Errata 22Nov2022
Copyright (C) 2022, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.

Alert: The Content of this Blog intended for those Confession of Christianity Belief. But, there is conflict between Catholic, Vatican and Episcopal, which Practice Blind Faith or Anabaptism!
警告:这部落格的内容针对决志信基督教信仰使用。然而这是天主教与梵蒂冈的冲突,即轻度信仰,或婴儿洗礼, 这是个人的浅见,抱歉!