Y434. Criminology XXIII: Money Game, Religion Game, Ethnic Game (Forum)

A. Ethnic game, Christian Scapegoat vs Politician Scapegoat – Nazi Germany vs Islam Renaissance (Genocide, Conquer the Sky, for Ethnic) – Developed Society

B. Religion game, Vatican Think Tank vs Catholic Think Tank – Italian Mafia vs Islam Prayer (Climate Change, Conquer the Sea, for Trade) – Developing Country

C. Money game, War Fund vs Cult Fund – Qing Syndicate vs Islam States (Terrorism, Conquer the Land, for Politic) – Third World

*Ethnic can be category as Himalayan to Mediterranean Hierarchy, corresponding to Christian-Buddhism Inclined to Islam-Hinduism Inclined, as well as Black to White Hierarchy.

*This is mean the Original Sins, which is also meant War Crime. Hence, the original sins could be translated to Geographical Burden, in which this is a warning of detain of Land.

*Alternatively, the original sins could be translated to Temptation, to Trial and Testing Milestone, and Justice Maturity.

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