Y439. Christian Politics XII: The Israel Diplomacy Referendum (Census)

A1. Information Distrust Law (Deuteronomy – Intellectual Inheritor Integrity Scheme)
A2. License Protection (Nehemiah – Semitic Calligraphy Scheme)

(King, Marketing), Pentagon – e.g. Neil Arm Strong
– Colony Crime the Prison – No Cult Activities (e.g. Christian Education to Non Semitic and Applied Islam Law to Semitic)(Persecution to Semitic)

B1. Trade Protocol (Chronicles – Safe Environment Footage)
B2. Ethnic Protection (Ezra – Gentile Meta Scheme)

(Pope, Sales), Imperial Palace – e.g. Bruce Lee
– Word Prison Crime the Quarantine – No Loyalty and Royalty Disorder (e.g. Heading to Trade Deficit)(Persecution to Vatican Christian)

C1. Nuclear Treaty (Abraham – Treasure Inheritor Integrity Scheme)
C2. Human Right & Privacy Protection (Ruth – Treasure Calligraphy Scheme)

(Queen, Financial), Blue House – e.g. Doraemon
– Montage Frauding the Digital Artwork Frauding – No True Colour the Discreet Artwork (e.g. Dent Mark Colour Model Detection)(Persecution to Anti Chinese)

D1. Migration Act (Exodus – Safe Time Zone)
D2. Marriage Protection (Esther – Carrier Nativity Scheme)

(President, Accounting), Istana Palace – e.g. Sun Yat Sen (Esther)(Exodus)
– Trojan Horse Crime the Censored – No Privacy Badge – No Bankruptcy Class Genocide (e.g. Bankruptcy Privacy)(Persecution to Catholic Christian)

E1. Climate Protocol (Moses – Carrier & Pilot Scheme)
E2. Privileged Community Protection (Jobs – Safe Spiritual Channel)

(Jack, Technical), White House – e.g. Eagles
– Social Frauding the Weapon Research – No Technology Research for Other Religion (e.g. High Compensation Employment)(Persecution to Anti God)

F1. Hygienic Policy (Leviticus – Food Scheme)
F2. Environment Pollution Protection (Numbers – Energy Scheme)

(Colonel, Personnel), Buckingham – e.g. Wesley
– Meta Frauding the Money Laundering – No Calculated Gambling (e.g. Privacy & Human Right infringement for Crime Syndicate)(Persecution to Anti Christ)

Errata 4Dec2022

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