Y452. Biblical Application: Exodus from Nativity 逃出五指山 (Post)

Three Steps to Heaven

I. Departure: Comet Boost Speed
II. First Contact: Earth Contact Supernova->Star Cube Satellite
III. Loss Contact: Comet Impact Satellite->Planetary Solar System

I. Departure of Comet

The 9 Solar System: 7 Level Heaven. 7 Level Heaven, 1 Fire Lake, 1 Hell.

1th Star, 2nd Star, 3rd Star: Utopia Alpha (Noah Ark), Utopia Beta, Utopia Delta.

4th Star: Hall Mark, Multi-theism Footage (Colourised)
->National Animal 国宝-> Ergonomic Standard

5th Star: Kelvin Mark, Monotheism Maturity (Normalisation)
->National Flower 国花->Cryptography Ranking

6th Star: Data Mark, Trinitarianism Grade (Chronographed)
->National Heritage 国画->Legacy Age

7th Star: Error

8th Star: Venus, 9th Star: Mar, Utopia Lambda, Utopia Sigma.

II. First Contact of Earth to Supernova

1st Batch: Earth (Promised Land), Supernova I (Oriental I)
Noah Ark (Space Ship Temporary Station)->Utopia Alpha

2nd Batch: Earth (Promised Land), Supernova II (Oriental II)
Advent (New Habitat Planet)->Utopia Beta

3rd Batch, 4th Batch: Utopia Delta, Lambda, Sigma, etc.

III. Loss Contact

Islam ally: Utopia Alpha (Noah Ark) + Utopia Delta Δ, Q, Final (Noah Ark), the Final ->(Time Still & Flying)->Heaven Final (Quantum Heat)

Buddhism ally: Utopia Beta (Eden Garden) + Utopia Gamma Γ, Y, Original (Eden Garden), the Original ->(Animal Telepathy & Space Travel)->Heaven Original (Star Dust)

Hinduism ally: Utopia Omega A (Babel Tower) + Utopia Epsilon Ε, Z, Express (Babel Tower), the Final ->Heaven Express (Wave)

Islam ally + Buddhism ally + Hinduism ally
(NASA, Automatic, US-AU) vs (CNSA, Manual, CN-RUS) vs (SpaceX, Pilot, UK-JPN)
Christian Persecution vs Semitic Persecution vs Celebrity Persecution
Astronaut, Automatic 车 vs Spaceman, Manual 炮 vs Merchant, Pilot 马
Engineer vs Doctor vs Scientist
6Σ Sigma, Real Number vs 7Λ Lambda, Gravity vs 5Θ Theta, Constant
Kelvin Mark, Add1 vs Data Mark, Sus4 vs Hall Mark, Aug1
->Delta Δ, Final + Gamma Γ, Original + Epsilon Ε, Express
i.e. Chancellor + Agong + Sultan
Sunni State + Shia Renaissance + Sufism Regime
i.e. Godfather + Pope + Queen
Vatican + Catholic + Episcopal
->Heaven Final/Original + Heaven Original/Final + Heaven Express
(Advent-Quantum) + (Oriental-Star Dust) + (Utopia-Ether)
->Christianity + Charismatic + Six Sigma only the Scapegoat
->Heaven the 7th, Earth the Hell, Fire Lake

Errata 10Dec2022

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