Y456. Biblical Application: The Planetary Loops 8.5 of Quantum Star (Post)

A. Oriental I – Stone Age

The 6 Biblical Villain Configuration – Cold War – Vietnam, Taiwan
Charismatic Reformation – World War – Germany, Ukraine
Failed Utopia Salvation – Civil War – Korea, United States

B. Oriental II – Star War (Heaven Original, Medium)

Food & Energy Terms and Condition (Economy Booming) – Thailand, Malaysia
The Treasure Protection & Revelation (Space Exploration) – France, China
Break in of Technology Work Force (Industrial Revolution) – Japan, Australia

C. Advent – Silk Road (Heaven Final, Matter)

Semitic Reconciliation & Judgement Semitic 12 Sect
United Nations Summit – Pentagon

Christianity Ministry Sustainability & Royalism Direction
Buckingham Eucharistical Conference – Vatican

Authentic Culture & Heritage Endervour e.g. Marriage Endervour Regulations, Chronography Privatised Route, Trade Authentic Protocol
Istana Palace Underground Fine Dining – Jerusalem

Heaven Original (Advent-Medium, Vatican) + Heaven Final (Oriental-Matter, Catholic)
->Heaven the 7th, Earth the Hell, Fire Lake

Star Dust Original (Impulse) + Star Dust Final (Still Wave)
->Organic Wave, Residue Wave, Removal Wave
(Equivalent to maximum 7.15 Quantum Milestone)

In that hour Jesus said to the crowd, “Am I leading a rebellion, that you have come out with swords and clubs to capture me? Every day I sat in the temple courts teaching, and you did not arrest me. But this has all taken place that the writings of the prophets might be fulfilled.” Then all the disciples deserted him and fled.“ Matthew 26:55-56
你们带着刀剑和棍棒出来抓我,就像对付强盗那样吗?我天天坐在圣殿里教导人,你们并没有抓我。 不过这整个事的发生,是为要应验先知书的那些经文。” 马太福音 26:55-56

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