Y460. Christian Medicine VIII: Corner Stone of Rocket Science projection to Genealogy Medicine (Journal)

Forgiveness doesnt mean acceptance. Yellow Ribbon mean Forgiveness giving to Whole Party. The Godfather is Democracy Religion. The Hymn is Monarchy Religion Politic.

The Islam lack conditions of Warrant to be Corner stone. Its the New Party make the Warrant for Islam.

Same thing goes to Christianity. Atonement of Cross is one kind of Warrant. It is Spiritual, Natal and Credit, and Formula.

In which the Formula is sensitive and misleading tendency. This is the Crew i.e. the Sailor is Corner stone.

Degraded Formula terminated at Renaissance only, forbidden from Atonement of Cross.
Formula cannot be Corner stone.

Jesus, Israel and Moon Flag is the only Corner stone, origin, path and destination.
Islam is the loading as well as free load to Heaven. Not Corner stone.

India is not the Path, but the Alternative Route to heaven. Not Corner stone either.
Religion Unity is the Path only.

UK oppose Religion Unity. This makes them rule out from the Games of Jew and Jude.
The Last Resort is the degraded plan. Path is the Priority.

Let talk about Wealth Building. Its about Public and Private. Public Wealth is Common Wealth. Private Wealth are those transferable Wealth.

As we know, most prestige wealth until present day are non transferable. Who intentively censored this property are bearing alot of duty.

And this duty is absolute positive. Hence the Wealth will only growing. Another sense called Atonement of Jesus.

The Enemy are those Make Inverted Cross more inverted. This is the Time Theory of Wealth in-regardless Paper or Stone.

Toxic is like the Mercury, but Wealth is like the Salt. All toxic are same but all drug are against each other. And this is the Original to Final Wealth.

Same as you think.

Well, it has to be like that, this is the breakthrough. The Schism of Holy Spirit since A.D. until today. Debating the Same issue.

The Matthew Gospel, Mark, Luke, and John Gospel debate. In turns this is about Climate Law, Humanity Law, Weapon Law, and Hygienic Law.

In turns this can also projection into Nationalism, Capitalism, Commonwealth and Communism Economy.

The fundamental no changed. The Pentateuch, in which the Fifth Law is Religion Unity Law.

The Apostle Acts. Corresponding to the Nehemiah Law. In which you agree with Islam Ally. Or Buddhism Ally, is Ezra Law.

The Two Key person in Apostle Acts is Peter and Paul. St Paul and St Peter. Jump conclusion this is the way we brew the 7th Solar.

Hence, the Islam Ally is not Beta, its the only way. Of course, it is duality shifting with Buddhism ally, in sync.

This is the theory of Combustion. Comet, Supernova, and Earth. The small loop is the biggest loop.

And we could be the centre of Universe. Supernova and Comet are around us, in Hidden forms.

And this is how the star dust time disruption. Automatic.

Once we formed up the Social Structure and Heritage Law. The Food & Energy part is automatic.

This is the Promised Land, we can claim.

It is competing, unfortunately. There 45 slot, only 39.5 is max. This is relatively, of course.

The Duality God concept yields. Advent vs Oriental I,II. In fact, all are cored in piece.
The piece of Land.

1G to 7.2G. Noted that 7.2 meant 21G. Its arbitrary. No meaning. But a reference.
Less is precise.

Bad thing is accurate. Then the Peace conspiracy theory arise. The United Nations forms after WWII.

Hence Anti Semitic, Anti God so on yield. Peace, you need to pay the Price. For God Protection is free.

But condition is Caesar Tax. You pay Rent you protected. Same thing applied to our Health Care.

High Maintenance is required. The Body Timer, is triggered if you modified it. But it is nevertheless can get optimal stage.

Same thing to the Environment, it is high Lent. Those Obey Nehemiah Law get excepted from Detained.

Those can enjoy free clock. Free tax Land. This is the methodology to account the Population.

Those toxics grouped. And drug is the quantum. Meaning, All Chronicle are centralised too.

The Head counts represented the Heritage. One in Three and Three in One. Those hidden heritage are Eden Garden.

Black Hole Era remembered? All Chronicle in one whole piece land. Jurassic?

So the Mission is clear. To salvation those in Black Hole. 2G maybe. When you get 7G dont proud, people might get 21G.

Gravity is just Quantum Number. Don’t use the Sharp eye. 2R, 4R or 6R footage?
There is stalled of Colour.

End Mile Road.

When you carrier is false, you never reached. Its not burner. To make quantum 7 or quantum 8 is more realistic.

7.0 to 7.1G. Practical to Theory. No Experimental. Quantum 7.1. is Biblical.
All Fictional Story are no China.

There is Jew God or Jude God from Chronicle to End. Abraham and Moses God.
Israel God is Climate God.

Islam worship Abraham, and this person make American success. No thief theory. So it is a blind law to follow for justice.

And justice is just this. Whatever it shouldn’t be Active Justice. It had to dive deep to repair. And this is the Quantum Number Game.

From Maze runner against the Nature Disaster, and to Circus Game. This is the Experimental Cant tell.

People now use Hall Mark, Kelvin Mark and Data Mark. There is bullshit, if no result.
For Data Mark is 100% concise.

But due to the Colour Blind, we had to compromised. The Four Era of Chronicle are Supernova, Comet, Earth and Black Hole.

And priority is on the Black Hole. The reason is 1/36G happened. The First Noel.
And bad thing cannot more than 3 times. 2G is safe. This is theory of Digital.

Is Red or White. This makes the Pink. Digital correlation is Quantum. So this can make 2R Footage. No more true Colour.

Its Set of Law, not Morality Law. The Graded Moses Law is Quantum Number. And Quantum 10 is Max.

For Climate Protocol. Seismic Graded. It is Islam Law. 9 is bad. Too bad. Convert the Quantum Number into Empirical Formula is the Iteration Step.

We called it 2 fold, 3 fold, so on. More than five is ridiculous. Yes Ancient people scare the Dark Age.

I tell you, it is about Piece of Land. The Digital Correlation make Space Overlapping.
So all this is the fundamental of Population Census.

Heritage is forever growth no limit. But those privatised are grouped in one hand.
The Free Duty Heritage.

Those Transferable Property is Revenge Mission. This Yield the Monarchy Politic until today.

This kind of property merging and growing. The Pyramid. But the Milk and Honey Land can raise Many People. This is no Pyramid but Planetary System.

It is undertaking. And lose it fast is best strategy. The Stair Case to Heaven. It is one man show. Hence yield the Rainbow 6.

Quantum 12 is a poker. It depends on the Star Dust, entire. Ether. Brief, the Universe is 2D correlation only. Newton 1st Law always right.

When there is Universe, there is thief. And this thief is only temporary. The greater one is the Black Hole.

Against the Black Hole is all of us. It is a pull river game. Black Hole is also Supernova.
Sapphire type and Jade type.

When Sapphire loses contact with Earth, it power fade. IR must not waste. And the Cold Jade Supernova, is Candle Light.

Green UV is Superpower. It is could be turn into Blackhole. The duty is to growth land, by Road Protocol. Mexico Wall for example.

Don’t do stupid thing. It had to be Black and White. From there the Mining industry boom up.

This is the Whole Truth of Kelvin Mark. The Supernova Planet Approach. And this phenomenon is once in a life time.

The Processor Temperature become Cold Down. It always 45-65celcius. But Absolute Kelvin Mark lower down.

This saves the Global Warming, due to Pandemic. So, when Kelvin Mark lower down, the Pandemic Relived.

At maximum squeeze allowable. Hence the Geothermal dispersed, we could have better health.

So the UV get reduced. When ask what is Kelvin Mark? This is Happiness Index. It determines mining and crude oil. old become new, new become old.

One time only. It is a Real Number, the Pi. So when three time right, it is booming.
So one time right sufficient.

Bad thing required 3 times. Good thing just required 1 time. Its hard to get quantum 24.
but easy to get quantum 30. the 13 month.

Called White Christmas. It is automatically. The Promised Land formed.

Step is get quantum 30. Moses Law iteration 30 times. It is a new platform.
The 13 month Tax make us rich.

It is pull apart from third world and first world. The Rescue of Third World and First World.

Third World became First World. First World become Utopia. The Comet Alpha, Beta, and Final. And the Third World are those Comet Beta.

From the Speed we can determine. This required Biblical comment. Every Comet is unique.

Matthew 26:55-56. Hence, it has thousand and more thousand.

This is the Camera bluff you. We need an Orthography Navigation thence can determine the Comet.

Turn the James Webb 180deg. Something applied to those Liberal Country. No Metropolis City are those Liberal Country.

Meaning this country is the Parallel Remote, e.g. Bermuda Triangle. and It’s the Coral Island, fixed location never moved.

This differentiates the Comet and Asteroid. We have to address every asteroid, and plot out the Horoscope.

This tells the Kelvin Mark, the Magnetic Maturity. Meaning the Coral Island Formation, tell the Moses Number, the Current Climate.

Moses 30 is perfect. It can accommodate 125Billion Population. 5000^3. Population and Heritage arent equal.

Population is Food & Energy. Heritage is Oppose of this. So when there are more population, the more hidden heritage the free duty.

Caution, population control is not food control. Nor energy price war. Its not to build more Infrastructure either.

Its about scattering of Heritage e.g. Bible into scattering House. The ideal methodology is God made Salvation by Protection of Heritage.

This is just like Heritage Booming. To achieve that we need to identify the High Booming Heritage.

Let all growth good and bad. There Harvest can make. Why are you Dilemma? With Little Blind, we will fly.

Devotion Faith vs Blind Faith. This is Altitude and Aptitude. No Blind Faith in doing Ministry for God.

But don’t worry, all this is Automatic. Unless you reject. The Imperial rule this. When I say this is for rescue.

No end loop, by the way. There is only one and only end lop in chronicle. All have to go.
Until the Forever.

This applied to any Individual. One crisis in life only. Once victory is forever victory. This is Medicine Renaissance.

The reason behind is due to Ergonomic Standard. Comet or Asteroid. And Asteroid formation, could make a new Galaxy.

This is just liked the Identity of Earth Map. 30 Horoscope in total. Heritage is forever. Called Eternal life. But this life is distanced from gentile.

When this also meant the Life span. There is end loop for each life. Make a little jump, the Normal Life to Spiritual Life, and Spiritual Life to Eternal Life, Spirit Maturity is their Meta Form.

The is only one kind of Psi. and one kind of Spirit. Spirit Generation is Spirit Maturity.
From the Fig tree to Olive.

We have to learn the spirit generation, this is about Copyright. To divide good and bad is from the Toxic or Drug.

Drug is original, coherent and final. Toxic against all this. But don’t worry toxic has only little small edge in Chronicle Heritage. This is the New Finding.

All good and bad have to be harmony. You cannot differentiate it until it Boom. There are thousand and thousand of Unique Drug.

Pearl colour and Ruby Colour. 2 type. Ruby colour for treatment. Pearl colour for pro-long.

Pearl drug is unique. The Ruby drug is generic. And generic drug has harm, if no exercise.

All generic drug do treatment. all kind. The standard defines by Active or Passive Mechanism.

All Enzyme are generic but deviate by Vibration Mode. The Chemistry Cryptography Structure. This is about the Filtered.

The typical Vibration mode is 6.8 protocol. 50+4 Network. This is Heritage and Climate, and Weapon.

Of course, its Annealed by Sigma. This is each individual spiritual embodiment.
When the branch injured, all body knew.

It makes the 3 Enzyme timer. Called Abraham Iteration. One time right. or 3rd, 5th so on.
and no more.

3 layer of Generic Ruby Drug. No all generic are generic. There are premium index.
Premium position. Errata. Less is more.

10 kind of acute illness. Another 4 is cancer. All treatment by One generic. And 3 branch.

The Bypass is the Destination. There is express route too. 3+1 Generic. Three Enzyme and One Chemistry Cryptography Structure.

This is the 3 Body Timer, and 1 Body Clock. This is Technical Part, also the Hasted Part.
The Protocol Consensus. Original and Final cannot changed.

The safety distance gauge. Hence, this is about finding the Original. Just required two datum.

So Generic Drug is Business, but Chemistry Drug has no business. It seems to many difficult.

The priority and neck is on the Pro-long Grace time. And from them, the common are the Original and Final.

Its a Cryptography Structure Cast Out Structure. This Cast Out Structure is the Original.

From the Studied of Chronicle and Chronography, the Original has two division only.
B.C. ->A.D. ->Post A.D->New B.C. there is only total 8 Division. 8 Pad.

8.1. Channel is fake one. The Grand Piano. All theory is generic, no substitute and one direction. 8+1 is false.

8 Sound Speaker has no bass channel. Grand Piano has no bass. Virtual Bass has no Footage.

It cant transmit out. Its virtual. Who care? Suspicious mind. This called the Footage. 3R vs 4R.

Just call it. You are freedom from sins. Greater than all things, and above all kings.
Near and Far, you cant catch it.

The Moon Rider. Democracy is freedom, from any kind of sins. Its Liberal, to International, and to Global. The 3 Forms of Democracy. Nationalism, Capitalism, Totalitarianism.

All about Human Right Act the Ezra Law as centred. Ezra Law is so called Information Broadcast Law.

Laid out the Foundation of Intelligence Law. The Lent, Loyalty and Royalty. Apart of this is Information Distrust Infringement.

Terrorism control the Other Country is one of the Kind. In which, Against Democracy is Terrorism.

Which is often thought of Anti Semitic, Orthodox Christian Persecution, Anti Natalism.
Those are the Pillar of Democracy. Don’t worry about Loyalty, apart from it is Royalty.
Against the Democracy is Religionism. The Socialist.

These two entity works in sync to yield Differential Entity. The Culture, Humanity and Economy Booming. Politic + Religion = Capitalism.

Politic Scapegoat + Religion Think Tank = Capitalism Funding.

Democrat + Marxist = Nationalist

This Nationalist is differential Entity. The New Platform Entity build on Business Misconduction Referendum.

Hence, infringe of Business or Authority Abuse is Rule from this New Platform Entity, the Capitalism Privilege.

Without Capitalism Privilege, this Infringer is received the Justice Penalty at whole.
3 type of Power Authority Abusement, Geography Privilege, Intellectual Privilege, and Heritage Privilege.

All root from Business Misconduction. a.k.a. International Law. And all of this has no black and white. Its about Covenant. International Covenant.

The Meta Law for analogy. This is the Freedom we can enjoy. Justice is kindness, don’t abuse it.

It is biased one side, until the day coming. As rule of thumb, Justice is always but it is individual.

Rebounce of evil, is the mistake. This is no about verification, its about Personal Human Right.

As a whole Global Human Right. Run rabbit run. Of course, all is welcome. This is the High Standard we need to target.

Human Right is all right reserved, as always. The better Delay than Postpone. And you can jump across.

There nothing to argue, its Christianity Covenant, and the Universe Law. Let’s debate for Marriage, and War for Office.

War is about Capitalism. The platform is Justice. All are welcome. This how the God Ministry Make Money, and Public Ministry Pay Debt.

All are royalty. and loyalty and lent. Its 100% and 100% and 100%. Learn more. The Edge make profits.

So thought Replica Weapon nowadays. The Toxic Weapon. Just leave it for next War. Currently, infringe of this is Fire Lake.

This is not War, this is Pollution. The Bunches of rat. In fact, we are better rat.
Chicken are bunches of rat.

Lets the Righteous voice it. Apart from voicing, we cant do anything other than that.
Lets face the Threat of Mute.

Its a planting of seed, and there is vault there is premium and harvest. Those Make Justice Disorder formed the Toxic Community.

After its individual to Country and Whole World. The One you trust absolutely. Any one without datum belief is dangerous.

This is honesty, and truth. Stop bluffing around. Let’s sing. Puppet cannot rule world.
Its about Ethnic and Moral War.

Islam ally is inclined to Ethnic Protection. And Buddhism ally is inclined on Moral Protection. Result oriented and Process oriented.

Now is Forever motto. Label it with Contemporary. You give peanut you get monkey. All are correct, nothing wrong for Justice and Human Right. And Final Justice is Market Pie Share.

Obey the Traffic Protocol is rule of game from banned. That why everybody concerns, the Banned, Boycott and Genocide.

Islam Ally efforts drive into the Heaven, the Matter. And Buddhism Ally efforts drive into the Heaven, the Medium. Gospel Advent + Revelation Oriental.

Two Entity Reaction yield, 3 Differential, the Residue, the Products, and Toxic. It is a Real Number and One Constant.

Its about Quantum Formula, the Iteration Number. Time is Grace. And it is not about Psychology, its Orthogonal Whole Human and Creature.

Grace for you and me. Reject is human right. Hungry man is hurry man. All people bear their own Cross.

Its cant transfer to, even Family. The Direction is clear, from Ancestry to Offspring, no backward.

Deed is transfer from Old Generation to New Generation. No backward. Why, Public Ministry has meet Crisis.

Simply, this is Who moves my Cheese.

The Immaturity this Myth makes Royalism a Criminal Offence. The obstacle is incompletely studied.

When this is truth, there is peace. This required Certain Iteration. One Real Number and One Constant make 9 Solar System.

The Cross Symbol and the Colour hue. Solar System deviate by the Combustion Efficiency.

This is the Heaven Standard. Not too much, not too bad. 22.

The Constant is about 7.2G to 8.5G the Light Speed. When hitting that, it goes into True colour era.

Not too extreme this time. The Islam has to transformed into God Minister. Separating Evil and Righteous, long time.

Called Perfect Islam. No Sigma. All same factory. This is not Holy Spirit. Islam Has no Holy Spirit.

Its 100% Clear stage. When this is Repel Islam, it is Terrorism.

This is the Price to Clear the Next Stage, the Ethnic Protection of Islam ally and Moral Protection of Buddhism ally.

Who rules Heaven is important. Its about the, Configuration of Cross and Colour of the Cross.

Red cross is Islam. The Anti Semitic. Moral is Debating, but Promoted. Semitic Supremacy.

Its the Myth build on Love. And this is Marriage Myth too. This is why most people keep it quite.

Projection into many phase. Computer, OS, Machine, Car. And what enemy can do is Golden Timing. The Crowd Event Attack.

So Mercy and Grace get the Prime. Its 100% pure. Try to reach this Standard of Pure.
The Morality. Is Love.

And Ethnic Protection is Pure. Both are Precious. The Final winner not rule out. But confusing is confucian.

The Adam. Its is one of the 6 minister. No Toxic. Differentiate One Toxic and Two Drug.
Toxic content measured by Hierarchy of bonding.

5 Toxic Rating. Hence, Vaccine can be break in production. The Mild Toxic is Triggering Immunity.

And this immunity is Pasteurization of Cell. What the Generic Drug could failed and Chemistry Drug could failed for Disease Illness.

Disease illness treatment is Herbs. This is the path. Reminder. Start from the Top.
The Ultimate way, the most toxic way. Holy way.

Yes the Herbs. From bottom up, ridiculous. Its about where we heading. Toxic content rating separating Islam ally and Buddhism ally.

Strong toxic, most Righteous people cannot suffer. Herbs way, is the Anti Semitic. But it clear cut the Evil and Righteous in half.

Iteration number is key. My Formula is Max 6R Footage. Quantum 7. There is a myth, due to 6R footage is fake one.

This is the Private Footage. Not Published. What not published is frauding. This is about Published Fee, Official Owner & Public Property. And Locked Fee, Certified Owner & Private Property.

All Privatised Property under one hand. Along the Chronography & Chronicle, the System Constitution is rule by Abraham Islam.

Obey the Abraham Law, is the requirement to make diaspora Heritage, Private Heritage.
Because Privatised Heritage is Free Duty not Growing at all.

Of course that Footage is Toxic, and Holy Place. Moon Rider. Moon is Privatised. No photo published.

5 Constant Rating, and 7 Real Number Rating. 30 Map identified and 5 Privatised Moon
And Clear Stage Mission.

Choose your Own Toxic. Its Cell Pasteurised Methodology, Pentecost Spherical Forms.
Heat Therapy.

Its Paradise 7.2 Knot, or Heaven 7.3 Knot. Knot is Light Years, i.e. Month. Pasteurised Technology using Luminous Light is alternative than Sonar.

Combinative applied can make Many Stem Cells. 70 type of Cells. Good Cells and Bad Cell 35/35. Very Draft.

Hard to judge Good and Bad, Two kinds. These Cell constitute the 14 Body Organ. Who is Mixed, as whole.

Eat would die. The reason is quality control reject is uncertainty. the High Organic, And Advanced Life.

Same thing, not every food is benefit. and some toxic is benefit. Taste is most important.
This comes to Chemistry Cryptography Drug part.

Previous, Vaccine Therapy is triggering body Pasteurization by Selecting the Stem Cell. The Body Immunity Fever mode Triggered.

Enzyme Generic Drug has 3 layers, against the Generic Illness. 3 layers is Body Timer Enzyme against the 10 Kind of Acute Illness.

And the Chemistry Cryptography Drug is against the Chronic Illness. Its to Prolong than Treatment.

But its grey area of what is acute and chronic same time. Hence, Chronic Illness has only 3 type.

Or the 4th One is the Debating. To 3 Body Timer is within the Brain Control. 3 Branch.
Hormone, Carbon, and Poison.

There cannot form up standard. So the Disorder Occurrence is due to Carbon as Subjective. Social Bonding Disorder.

The Nicotine Faulty. And the rootcause is Natal and Spiritual. 50% of Population has this Low Cap.

And the Natal alone is the major Obstacle. This is about the Calcium and Mineral. The Radiation Exposure worsen this Capability.

or Shorten the Paralyses Timeline. So this drug become Demanding. By creating another Body timer.

This makes the Gene become into Homogeneous. The Brain becomes into Bottom Line.
This is only the Platform. Not important.

Chemistry Cryptography Drug is target on shifting the Meta Position. This makes Bald, Erection issue, Blur Eye, Hormone Disorder.

Entire effort is Prevent Paralyses. 2nd target is Cure the Hormone Gender. And 3rd is Cure the Hygienic Orientation.

Hormone Disorder could become Fatigue and Liver Failure. Hygienic Disorder is Meta Disorder. The Stomach Failure.

Kidney is Paralyses, Liver is Retard, Stomach is Deaf. So Those Drug cannot cure, is not Chronic Illness.

Its Mental Illness. There is cure for Mental Illness. Many option and alternative route.
It is to prevent paralyses, Retard and Tinnitus.

There has no guarantee of Detection and Cure Diagnostic. Religion methodology well sought after, but Its Active than Passive.

And the Drug Method still becoming the Dark Market. The Business of these make the Nationalist into Popularism.

And create Un-desire Biomedical Economy Industry. The Issue is not Gene, nor DNA, and Stem Cell either.

Spiritual alone could make these Natalie become more Natalie. Medicine treatment can cure alot, but Economy not sound.

The effort spends on the Medical Machine and Make Wealth. This is undesirable for Human Civilisation.

And This kind of Heritage has lowest graded. Consider nearly Private Footage. And the Amount is enormous and imaginable.

Let those belong Caesar to Caesar, God to God. Let those Dead bury the Dead. Undesirable.

The Missile has eye, no final destination, Rocket has no eye, but final Destination.
Just running to forever. And rocket has limit.

Serve Duty is Forever, Serve Devotion is Numbers. This is separate Ministry and Myth.
Saint serve Ministry, Apostle performs Myth.

Wealthy Man can perform Myth too. Separating Vatican and Catholic. Free Time Apostle and Wealthy Saints.

This is God match.

Copyright (C) 2022, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.