Y461. Ending of Biblical Villain IX: The Nazi Hideout, Democracy Monarchy & Democrats Government Regime & Nationalist Repels Clan (Broadcast)

A. Oriental, I, II (Program, Chronography) – Metropolis (Logistic)
Supernova Magnetic (CN)(Venus), Supernova Star Dust (US)(Mars)
(Scapegoat to Apostle)
C. Renaissance, 1, 2, 3 (Manual, Assembly) – Suburb (Railway)
Earth (MY->SG)(Saturn)
(Gentile to Ace)

a. Titus Epistle: James, Noel, Solomon (XO), Pontius Pilate, Martin – Repentance – Add12, Cello, Classical (Timbre)
Hebrew, Tyndale Translation – Business School
Pope 教宗 (SME holistic), White House (US) – Totalitarian
a1. Information Distrust Law a2. License Protection

b. Apostles’ Acts: Joseph, Paul (Playboy), Messi (Flagship) – Baptism – Add1, Double Bass, Jazz (Timbre Bass)
ASV, CSB Translation – Engineering Institute
King 国王 (SME improvised), Pentagon (RUS) – Dictatorship
b1. Trade Protocol b2. Ethnic Protection

c. John Gospel: Elijah, Adam, John the Baptist (Godfather), John, Jesuit (Seal)  – Preaching – Sus4, Flute, Sheet (No Timbre)
ESV, NLT Translation – Economic School
Queen 首相 (F&B public), Buckingham Palace (UK) – Socialism
c1. Nuclear Treaty c2. Human Right & Privacy Protection

d. Mark Gospel: Peter (Batman), Eve, Chris (Signature) – Sacrament – Aug1, Guitar, Folk (Tone Bass)
NKJV, CNV Translation – Medical College
President 总统 (F&B government), Imperial Palace (JPN) – Nationalism
d1. Migration Act d2. Marriage Protection

e. Luke Gospel: Joshua, Jacob, Moses, Martha (Virginia), Luther – Stewardship – Aug8, Percussion, Orchestra (Tone)
KJV+Holman, CKJV Translation – Military Institute
Jack 皇帝 (R&D illegitimate), Blue House (KRE) – Capitalism
e1. Climate Protocol e2. Privileged Community Protection

f. Matthew Gospel: Santa Claus, Judea, Judas Iscariot (Last Emperor), Matthew, Wesley  – Pentecost – Sus9, Piano, Hymn (No Bass)
NIV+CCB, CUV Translation – Music College
Colonel 上校 (R&D legitimate), Istana Palace (SG) – Religionism
f1. Hygienic Policy (Leviticus – Food Scheme) f2. Environment Pollution Protection

B. Advent, Progress or Throwback (Pilot, Navigation) – Urban (Airport)
Solar Planet (EU/UK)( Mercury/Jupiter)
(Low Cards to Royalflush)
D. Utopia, Beta, Final (Automatic, Module) – House Lots (Harbour)
Structure Comet (AU<-KRE)(Uranus), Mechanism Comet (AU<-ISR)(Neptune)
(Minor Prophet to Major Prophet)(Nun to Saint)

a. Catholic: Christian Education vs Devil (Skyape) – Colony
– Church Misconduction (Censorship), White Listed Labelled
UN, Democrat Socialist, Spy 情报员/Surgent 中尉 (UKR) – Drama & Story Scripting
Digital Economy – Telecommunication Technology

b. Episcopal: Doctrinal Training vs False Christ (Penthouse) – Martyrs
– Enterprise Misconduction (Data), Catholic Labelled
NATO, Marxist Socialist, Chancellor 总理 (GER) – Sound & Action Producer
Infrastructure Economy – Genealogy Technology

c. Vatican: Theology Research vs Satan (Godfather) – False Teaching
– God Ministry Misconduction (Montage), Celebrity Labelled
WWF, Communist, Private 帅兵/Captain 班长 (MY) – Box Office & Fund Affiliation
Clean Energy Economy – Geology Technology

d. Reformed, Methodist: Christian Reformation vs Serpent (Spiderman) – Semitic Persecution
KMT, Nationalist, Secretary 秘书 (DPRK) – Director & Editor
Blueprint Economy – Biomedical Technology
– Banking Misconduction (Certificate), VIP Class Labelled

e. Puritan, Presbyterian: Religion Unity vs Man of Sins (Caesar) – God Misconduction
– Public Service Misconduction (Social), Christian Family Labelled
NASA, Democracy, Commander 总司令 (KRE) – Dialogue & Subtitle
Rare Earth Economy – Metallurgy Technology

f. Pentecostal: Children Ministry vs False Prophet (Jesuit) – Christian Persecution
– Trading Misconduction (Meta), Bankruptcy Labelled
WHO, Monarchy Socialist, General 将军 (SG) – Casting & Anticipator
Knowledge Economy – Nanotechnology

Copyright (C) 2022, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.