Y463. Investigation on China Clear Zero Covid Martial Act (Forum)

Suggest the ‘Cruce’, is Taiwan Charismatic Leader. By ‘Lily Criminology’, the Leader is arbitrary selected. By this Pursuit of Covering, thence, the China Zero Covid Martial Act is involved with Cult Motive than Anti Semitic.

It is to captivate the Natalie Chinese just as Christian Persecution, by US or Islam States Remotely.

This is not Genocide. Preliminary Study.

But Charismatic Wave Brute Force into China Fortified Gate, and a series of Slogan sealing to various Communities, as ‘New World Order, Technology Scamming’, and ‘Japan NASA, and China NASA Technology War’, ‘White Paper Campaign 白纸运动’, many many rumours for Funding.

Take Care. This is ridicuous.

Croyalflush Christian Ministry Founder

Errata 11Dec2022

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