Y466. Mercy of Catholic Schism, Fundamentalist Schism, & Puritan Schism (Forum)

己所不欲 – 儒家, 礼尚往来 – 庄家

What to eat, and eat what is pretty important. Good taste prevent Cancer illness. Let those weak, be stronger again.

Let those weak, be stronger again. Most Safety too.
The Vault Way.

And what cannot eat is precious. Wrong Page. To clean the Organic, is to use Fur.
Heat Core.

911 is a series of Anti Natalie Campaign, in proven. And totalitarian regime is a revenge regime.

The conflict of Democracy and Socialist start between this. That totalitarian is the special kind.

Its Anti American President. Washington, Lincoln, Truman, Reagan, Bush Sr, Biden.
and the coming Queen.

Its raising up. Gratitude is not altitude. Its Dependent and passive kind.
You win again.

Welcome the Club.

Its harsh word, but this had to be awaken call. Exile is forever. Nobody can live in Exile mode when Booming.

Various kind, some people choice to Holly See. Its little apps.

Straight to R Plan.

Righteous important, or Natalie or Social Chain?

When these 3 grouped, the residue is Nun, and those False Prophecy. There 3 Extra Rainbow bridge for 3 Scapegoat Social Chain.

The Con Air.

Its to raise everybody up. by Lift Frame.

When moving in groups its security.

Its about the Duty make Golden Horse.

And Black Horse?

Its a trial for alot. The Deer and the Queen.

Its not Cambridge method, but Oxford method for rescue.

This required back and forth. And Flagship method also Good.

Most important the Flagship, from Shoe to Suit.

Its the Carrier generations.

And Fundamental Wont change.

For Chronicle standard, the Faith, Love, Hope. Corresponding to, Resistance R rate, Matching K scheme, Alertness Re number.

Secure of this, make better world.

And particular, the K position. Can failing most people.

It is the love, the short circuit effect.

Its just like the series of meaningful variation but often thought as evil.To against this immediately has one way.

But to increase the Coverage, it to put Bullet into Bulletin.

The Trick here, those Nun, and Minor Prophecy Heresy. Make the Constitution Law.

That we see the Evil Spirit yield due to Infringement of Law.

So the Reynold number make the Suits. Tenth or Fifth or Seventh.

1st of May of on which.

Of Course, those are the Anti Semitic. And this is the Prime Closure that the Heaven Stand.

And without reveal this, people easily fallen.

That reason of Climate Protocol become Weapon excuse.

To secure Climate is to secure Semitic, and Secure semitic is Secure Weapon.

Those deny of Semitic has no many chances.

So talk is upfront, act is desire.

Lets dismiss this ugly and doggy and ???

The singularity is Semitic against Semitic. And Tithe is Weapon, Tithe is only catered for Semitic and Christian. Both are hard discriminated.

So the Rich Thief can justified themselves by winning the War.

That the Meaning of Capitalism.

And this game have a cruce.

Its the Industrial Revolution backing. This is the Martial Act Covid motive. And no more.
Its a long long country road.

And this road block to the Small Victory only.

We have had back to normal, and now continues.

And Against the Golden Horse, is against the Church, and Hence Black Horse has no way to enter the field.

This is the fight of Natalism and Clubs, against the Totalitarianism revenge.

What money can earn, and what money can buy has alot.

and the money is the rootcause. Its the sniff problem people. And Seeing is believing.

Its OAOA, for some. But who moves my cheese? The East and West is up to down, and Pirate Ship.

Those No Church and Running Tithe become Refugee. And Good refugee is from bad church.

And this is the current resolution. Freedom and true democracy is about friendship.

Hence, democracy is not a regime, but state.

The Totalitarianism is a regime for taking people advantage. Its globalisation on wrong axis.

We have to find out the Reynold. Something infringe the God.

This Pope is African.

Those confess, themselves Semitic is Semitic. And Semitic is not African.

The Democracy and Socialist competing draw the conclusion of Cult and Christianity.
and its not the Church make you Christian, its your God.

Sniff better than dog, are still dog. Its not God choice, its your own choice to against or join the true god.

I have one in three, and three in one. mono, multi, partial, either goes. But no african god.

Its you ask them colony. Not win win.

Put in your shoe, I am secure. Those Clean Water how much it worth, you ever think to know?

One word for now, Turkey in the straw. Bunches. This is secure path. You are addressed.

Captivated the Word you gain nothing. Just like captivate the sound. And this is a trial for you and me.

You are dressed. Quick game.

Live your world. Man Made and God Made and King Made. Whoever doesnt need that.
No more.

Poor happy, and Rich upset.

The Computer Generations has transformed from Oracle Computer to Python Calculator and R Solver.

And Printer Generations evolution from Typing Matrice (Imprint, Dot), Printing Calligraphy (Inkjet, Laser), Plotting Chronography.

In which among these, the Accuracy and Concision depend largely on Chronography Calculator and Footage Colour Solver.

In turns, and slight tolerance could lead to other Universe. There 7 Universe. And 1 Black Hole and 1 Asteroid.

And this is back and forth free lent or with lent. The death begin with paying lent. When the Suit merge, the no more death.

The Rainbow 6 Earth. The Sky become into Dense. No more Climate disaster, and Nuclear Safe.

Space Station become Air Station. And Connected Suburb to Suburb. Manufacturing and Infrastructure and Logistic dreams could accomplish.

Just required remain at same Calendar. Same work week and hour. The Unity of Regime become true.

Which is also called Democrat Socialist Regime. You democrat and my democrat one small step difference.

This makes the 7th Queen. No more Energy talks. That has rule out and plotted out.
The key is the Energy Carrier, the Fuel Cell IP.

And seems like Paper is always losses, the major key is Sky & Space Colonisation.
and the New Geneva the New Ukraine.

Opposition of these had underway long time. And Social Engineering is Geology, and Geology is Magnetic Psi the Dimensionless Time Unit.

The Set of Law control the Social Montage, Social Structure, and Social Meta is Federation Law Constitution, as Datum.

The reason is sharing Important Ethnic Carrier, along these 3 Entity. one carrier at a time.

And the Frauding happen to disrupt this is norm. Technology, Pollution and Crime.
This is to trying to shift the 1st of May Golden rule.

Or Shifting Thither Golden Rule. And thief Rule. Make 0.45 to 1.0. 45:55 Same thing happen.

2 Plan dispute, make new Renaissance or Full Renaissance. Its about Utopia alpha, beta and Final.

This is Star War. Timing important. Biblical standard, the Ecumenical become demanding.

And the Holy See from Vatican move to Moon. The 1st of May revolution is about this Flagship a.k.a. Corner Stone.

Another revolution is Old Cow Boy Revolution. UK has disagreement. The Child equality is important as gender equality.

This is alot of safety. Ultimately is talking about Religion. So the Fig tree is Cult Place.
One poison one meat.

Its upfront. The exclusive itself has a route. What Church rule out, the Christmas rule in. Church job is tough, God job is ease.

And intention is deviate the risk of Full Renaissance. And Marriage Economy become topic.

Old Cow Boy revolution not yet. Its about the Meta Clock Axis. And the Social Engineering vs Public Ministry is key.

Tat is about Family and clan. Cow Boy has copyright issue. When those mute, those cope.

Don’t join friend, join enemy. But Cow Boy cannot form Soccer team. They has different Cow Boy suit. All are Number 1.

Then Cow Boy suit become Uniform. The British Cow Boy. The Full Renaissance meet obstacle.

The San Francisco to Las Vegas Road Completed. The Famous Canyon Road. The 1st Genocide of Semitic. While Cow boy span around the 3 semitic.

The Satan Enemy is the Authentic, called it surgent. The Captain is Photogenic.
Heritage Protect.

This Protect determine the Alpha, Beta to Final Fig tree. When no leaf, it is settling.
I can’t understand.

Back to Thief Law, a.k.a. Thither Law. This 10% is levy, and 1ofMay, is 20% duty.
Some Country has 13th Month Rebate Loyalty.

This is Volatile Thingy. Don’t pursuit it. The Lent Free is Land Free. It gathers Scapegoat.

Who cant afford the thither.

This is capitalism and this is Christian Law. The Pure Catholic. This is to raise upright world.

There is foundation, there is fountain. This makes Olive Tree. Or Refugee Fig Tree.
The key is not blood, but ally.

The ally makes Regime, and Repel army, the Maverick. Its arbitrary. Fig and Olive. 666 and 999 are same thing to God.

Delay better than postpone. Who? Poor coding. From 5 Lens Camera, we can determine the Address, without GPS.

Its emptiness too. Life is not we deserve, but Friendship. Cannot let Bullet Fly. What Asia scare, Western safe.

Time to clear stage. To prevent Bullet, you need Hosting. To prevent Bulletin, you need Hosting too.

The Christianity come to sub Cruce Era. The Famous 2nd Schism. The Catholic schism (Canon Road), the Fundamentalist schism (Berlin Wall), the 3rd Canonical Schism (Israel Wall).

The Luminous you can see. And the obstacle is the Sub Cruce, the 4th Schism dilemma.
The Silk and Fur fight.

This Schism grouped as one evil root. Evil has one root, righteous has many root.
No allergy between evil.

and this most proper put, is root from chronography sequence. But Personal Montage is most greatest than Meta Clock.

its duality tell you. Come to cruce. This is the best part, you cant separate good and bad, but evil and righteous.

And the bottom line of evil is what we sought after to protect. Those are the people rule out Meta Clock equilibrium.

False meta clock, make funky town 1980s. The Penthouse Era. It had to be harsh to remind.

The Beethoven Era too. Continue into it, Penthouse could worsen into Global Village.

Jungle Rule is not Caesar Rule, backup. No jungle rule allows in my Country. Law is not perfect, but the best way.

Stop fucking bullshit genius copycat. Standing on the solid ground, not shoulder of giant.

You have too much monk. The African supremacy Buddhism. Tell you this is Dead End. The Buddhism is Anti Evil.

This is the Anti Catholic, Anti Fundamentalist, and Anti Puritan Music the Christmas. For large extent, the symbol of that include pre-baptism, reconciliation, Christmas celebration, semitic or Christian thither.

Deny natalism, deny Christian and deny semitic.

No way the schism cannot make prior. Scare the Bulletin is not Western nor Germans. Its Asian, & African American.

What make allergy into halves population. When this is schism, it is not full extent.
Those extremist is Christian extremist or Islam. When Church has issue, the World Government Hang.

That has to be justice, or compound penalty growth. This is order, or quit from Jesus.
Church is formed by Holy Spirit alone.

And this spirit is not alone. Holy Spirit cannot alone. Merci is what we sought after. Not to join the group for Merci. It is catered individual.

This differentiates Monk and Saint. The fighting monk is evil monk. When Merci abuse, it makes torture.

This is however, the Fasci alike. Since there is banned of bulletin, I take my last word. Allergy and Schism is equally important.

Barbarian. You rushing into the dead end. I can delivery more for my own good. Take your money back.

Whatever this channel is evil rooted. They are from Third World indeed.
What differ is Technology Lunatic.

No one do this fucking shit business techno. You are bunches of Anti God Colony.
You are the Disgrace of Ancestry. This batch.

Fucking gunshot victim. I hoping this is not revenge. Ever see the Dog Fight? Shoot Rocket is not Shoot Missile.

Titanium Superconductive. I hate copycat. Cut and Paste in properly said.

Use Mild Steel Rocket is best. And Moon Landing has no Hope. You moon is not my moon. My moon is your moon.

Just use God name next time.

When Nuclear has no target, it targets ownself. This is grenade guideline. So Asia develop their own weapon. and Western develop Candy weapon.

Democracy and Socialist is Religion and Cult relationship. and the Third Democrat Socialist, make Residue.

To recognize Food is hard, to recognize toxic is easy. I don’t know how ergonomic moves.
But Rose has only one kind.

It is toxic, but it improves us. When hungry can eat? Those expensive not for eat, but heal topically.

Hence, healing is forever road. To fight Justice, is newton 1st and 2nd law. To fight evil, is own risk.

No Risk for Evil. Never.

Its Zero risk. But God is merci. Those forgiveness are forgiven. And forgiveness is not acceptance yet.

So This is called Expandable. The trick here.

Copyright (C) 2022, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.