Y467. Journey to Bethlehem, the Christmas Town (Forum)

Awaken Call, 1st. Freedom Marriage. 2nd. Semitic Exodus.

The King Made Ethnic better than Man Made Ethnic.

Make your own Legislation.

Murder king. I mean all kings.

My dick harder than you. Standing on the solid rock. Error coding cant make colour.

I lose my patience. But this is the fact we need to accept. We are under attack. If you follow me, you will keep follow. If you are finding troubles, its your right.

I have my right and record to stand aside you all. But I would never had did that. Back to the topic, I am finding solid reason to rule out the mythical that we burden.

This is apparently a star war gig.

Or just a Nut house issue. Noises speech I don’t mine, but straight to the south. This a dilemma to make, but most concerns.

The Law of Democracy still around the Persecution of Mental. This a world wide and nationwide against Christmas and Churches.

Hence from this small clinched, the answer may solved. And reason of this is not political protest nor Sudden War.

Its to increase the Signature of Righteous. We are no human right to Against the Crime Syndicate, by all proper means.

Hence, following is head to the south.

Our Cross Atonement, Corner Stone and Redemption is Strengthen by Allergy. Without Allergy we and all Church have nothing.

Ir-regardless number of trials, but all are welcome. The only reason stopping the allergy is same king gather.

So back to the Medicine Issue. Church has loss their Duty. This is Crime Syndicate Funding, not Charity Funding. Mafia is down and more down.

When Church backed by Nazi. This is a Cult.

Show me your atonement.

You are running a dead end church. And Without Church without Medicine. This is the Top down Hierarchy.

If you anti Nationalist Speech, then I cant talk other things to you. You are not the group of people. Most. All dead.

This is not hatred, but Peeper. You will have to set your own time.

My Clear list has no anti Human.

Doing the sneak, and you find your new place again. I cant worship you.

Sons of Israel, you are freed. No more tata.

Seems I banned. Too much bulletin.

This is not my Host.

You may make your own law, there more and more law you can applied. If you like. But this is no cure.

The Church cannot backed by Nazi. Church is for Christian and Semitic. Key is bright, just raise up the Church to higher platform. Simply as that.

Hence, Church alone is Government.

Yes alone. A Good Church is high mercy.

So same to the Administration. You got I meant.

False Algorithm, and false mind set. Rome tomorrow.

Its fun and its money. Correct me if I am wrong.
You know what.

My loyalty has dead end. I dont know how.

Someone is building the bridge, and someone is destroy it. And someone stay with crowd.

They doesn’t know friendship. in which all love build on it, even the enemy is friendship too.

That about it too high level, I shall leave with me. The Wage issue again. And Allergy issue purely.

One harsh word, allergy!! forget about it. I declare this is not war but spiritual war against allergy of righteous.

Make love not make war. And I make war into love. Only King can do. More or less you too clever.

This is the Intelligence make you Winning.

How can it be done on War. I am help each other, find your root. It is in your pocket.
Sure thing is not your Name. Evil has no name.

Called them kings. Absolutely no place for you. Heaven has alot kings, and queens. But no King.

Which is no demand. something to earth.

No one to be king but billionaire. And all kings are billionaire. They are in pyramid bank.
Money From top to down. Flowing.

Head to the South, I issue the Warrant, the head is addressed and peace is coming. No more evil, as those evil bunches follow the head.

There are exceptional loophole of law. This is intentional protect the bastard. Forgive me bastard.

Not all bastard is bastard. But most. They are protecting church than other else. Some good some bad.

Once right is forever. I hope everybody understand, church is someone everything.
and everybody anything.

But those are bastard. Jesus protects people, he can build church in 3 days. And the step is protect family then Christian and Christian alike, so on. Leave Church alone.

Church has alot of funs and fund. That is a discovery of research. Doing conspiracy has no works at all.

So, Church very Rich and rich, and this fund flow into Someone account. Backed by Nazi.

I declare he is Nazi. And bunches of followers. This is someone happiness. My bullshit. There no time for evil, hence we shift to Protect the 3 people, elders, children, and women.

Salvation are random but Preaching is directional. Its freedom to choice. Its not business but life.

The Penalty of Wrong Preaching. Wrong theology. Let me think about it. 5 minute.

Girl B and Boy Sharp.

The whole story begin with the Panic of Conquer.

It was a raining day. And the sky is dark.

Road is clear.

The stomach is empty, and brain is faint.

The far side blinking the uncertain symbol.

Alot going to Pilgram, that is the 2nd year, 1st of May.

The chain linked up alot of memorandum.

Yes India Pilgram.
and no more.

The defeat of Israel is the Motive.

And Girl B and Boy Sharp is Nazi and Cult.

There is no Italy Mafia. This is a scam.

And Girl B and Boy Sharp is the Bethlehem.
and the Story end with the Boy A the Jordan.

Same story adapt from Biblical Science.
And this ruling the world.

This is the Big loop and the stair.
I cant tell you why.

How many people fallen because of this three character and Place.
Any one of you stay this place?

India the Pilgrim, Bethlehem the Marriage, and Jordan the Bank. And Girl B + Boy Sharp + Boy A.

This is an example of model story.

And from which it expanding into hybrid and hybrid. The Girl BB, and Boy B, Son E Flat.

The 3 Place upgrade into Thailand Picnic, London Bridge, Michael Page.

The Girl BB->Thailand Picnic, Boy B->London Bridge, and Son E Flat->Michael Page.

This is one of the major diaspora, of Y2k Bug since today.

The next is the most the important part. The axis is clear. The Family buy a bigger Flat.

Two Flat now, one big flat and one small flat.

so des ne. Its brothers.

the Son become into Christian.

The Two Flat is timed distance, even it is very near.

When Principle yield. When Son moves out from Parent, he will convert into Christian. And this family will extinct.

This Principle is famous Abraham Law.

The Rose is many. The Dark Rose is the God favourite.
And hence why the story end.

After many years..

The Two Flat become into a New Vatican. and the Dark Rose become into Bookmark.
The Fig tree has a name.

It is a number, 66.
Translated into English as ‘Amen’.

So next time you hearing ’66’, this is going to Church.
and 6666 is going to Bank.

Thats the Distance from Bethlehem to Jordan.
The 6.3 Miles.

Where John the Baptist beheaded. That is the max the God can allow. And this is the Fire Baptism place too, what people sought after.

And Christmas is 6.3×2

or 12.4 more concise.

It is the improvised 6.4
The 12.4 a.k.a. Hill F.

This is the Ceremony day.

The resurrection day has plotted out.
The coming Christmas is the 74th.

Post. A.D. 74

There has never has a begin until Israel and Islam boundary pull apart.

This is the Weapon treaty zone. Gun control legislation highlighting.
No Bullet But alot Bulletin.

All are Chinese made Rocket.
You won’t get hit.

The Pilgram zone is called as her name. When there is Christmas, there Pilgram.
Distance from Jerusalem to Bethlehem and to Jordan are equal.

This is 9999 to 6666.

And This is the thing we can’t change, and thing we can change.
1 Apollo is 3 Bachelor, and 1 Waterloo is 4 Make-low.

And everywhere make-low.

Because the Clock is White-Black-Yellow-Brown. Know the clock know the place.

Its 1st and 1st and 1st.

This is sunday always.

The Head to the South. Hence, the Protest going. That the power comes.

Agree it or not, Skin is everything for my God. Join the crowd, join the crow.
The Big Boss no Castle.

No Faith at all for Crowd. And the Most Highly Place in the East.

Believe it or not. Castle has same kind gather. And the stone is charge by ship cargo.
And when the world split, the semitic split.

The Solar Ether tells the Semitic is the Weakest and Fragile. The Semitic Flowers has the Answer. It drank Milk.

And this is the same description what about Semitic.

Man are not women. and women can be man.

Follow this golden rule.

What you eat important too. How you eat in proper way.

That deviate more higher ranking Supremacy.

Label and Pin are different application. Accumulated of pin is justice. accumulated label is penalty. giving justice, return with justice, same thing to penalty.

Whichever both undesirable.

Love penalty you freed. Love justice you wait.

Freedom make American Strong. Justice make Miracle and Tragedy. We have to confess.
Say no to Justice.

This is your pastor doesnt want you to know.

And welcome challenge. No justice, you live your own world. Its something we are not deserved but valuable.

The Job is easy, and worker has alot. When comes to penalty, it require win win.
Penalty is live within justice. Apology.

This just like Man and Women. Love is desirable. War is unavoidable.

When Man confront Man, it is peace forever.

Some people say, Man has end, and women doesnt. The Beginning of War is like that.

Next Slide.

The Platform is high, and Player are less.

What we after is Equality. The most deserved and desirable for each and everyone. This is represented by Money.

And Equality input and Equality output. So Equality split World into Groups. And Penalty split World into Love, Justice split World into War.

The Common Winner of these 3 is one group of people. This is none of other can copy.
It is the R rate.

Or no way.

When the platform get higher, there is repel. Renaissance is the thought, but When no equality is poverty.

And the edge of equality turns into bordered out. This Proprietary to owner use.
Something undesirable too.

All it takes is not Heritage of Ancestry, but Food more counted.

No meat.

And what differ the Marriage and Divorce is Brave and Brave.

Copyright (C) 2022, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.