Y482. The Clear Stage of African Suit to Advent Suit, Three Entity of Advent to Oriental & Utopia (Forum)

Heat will always Dim, there will remained and stained. Hence there many type of heat. and the best is the final.

Only Heaven knows. To most of us, heat is the beginning. This make allergy and patience.

Cold and Heat become Unity. There makes 3 Entity. Metal, Plastic and Wood. What auto Purified, and auto Renew, and Auto Recycled.

Hence, the water chooses thou side. That is mineral water. The carbonate water. Caution is here.

The Beer the most expensive water is Stained. To make equality, is the Wine. And Tempering make Wine, Pasteurised make Beer, and Annealing makes Whiskey.

When the day beer become Popular it is the beginning of evil. And that is the beginning of New Religion. The Anti Fundamentalist. And this religion become into Business, a Religion Syndicate.

When evil born, the James also born. When the James became Small Loop, it is the King James. To change the Universe, is to change the King James. You can make God into human, but Human into God.

And evil become more Human too. This is price of exchange. To void the Justice at whole. No God all are imaginary, and no law too.

Its all freedom, and vulnerable. Freedom with Righteous, and Law with Evil. To fight with Evil, we need freedom. And law live within freedom.

If no freedom, then no possible for law. When that occur the Law must be the Terms, in which No freedom at all.

Those obey the terms is Fundamentalist. To exchange the Freedom for Holy Spirit. So the three entity are Evil Spirit, Holy Spirit, and Pentecost.

This is equilibrium maturity, but not loading maturity. When evil reach maturity, it growth bigger.

There 3 scenario, Auto, Manual, Pilot. And only the Law lightening, then Evil will become Lesser. Which is undesirable for Climate.

Automode is Climate Mode. and this is the one and only way to achieve the desirable vision.

To make Automode Clever is what we need. The Optimized Solution is allocating of Criminal. and Everybody become Pentecost, Holy Spirit and Evil.

The Automode become into Fabrication Mode. At minimal scaled. The trick here is no waiting. When Criminal Disperse, that is the ultimate desirability.

This is Covid treatment can be like this. The only way the Universe can prevail. Let freed all the Rats.

When saying that, they will escape to their ideal flowers emblem, and no more politic games. This world become disperse now.

They become quite and inert. If not, politic games will make totalitarianism against dictatorship to increase their evil activities more.

Result of this is undesirable Great Disaster of God.

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