Y490. War Insight XXV: Disruption the Nazi Headquarter the Calendar Approach (Whiteboard)

I. End A.D. 2000 Year – Youth Dragon (Advent Era) *Pentecostal the Literally

a. Oversea Chinese Clan->Nobels/Hollywood (Ether Gentile, Yellow Sea)
b. Oriental II Star War (CN) (Hue Scale Down) – (Grass Land & Fountain, Ash Dust the Weapon)
(Thermal Network 3G, Telescope Coherent Wave, Cable Modem, Fax, Parametric Data)
c. Federal City (Hongkong, Virus Genocide Laboratory, Mafia Underground, St Peter Church) the Ministry Central the Shopping, Land)
d. (Asteroid Clustered), (Satellite, Hue Scale Down), (Solar Wave Cold Down, Sky 3G, Antichrist, Morning, Coral Island)
e. Eye Emitting, Ray Burning, Footage (Fibre Optics)

Cow Bow Suit (Very High Duty) whether Arsenal Suit – Extra Small Size (Plum, Major Leaf)(CN)
Weather Season Calendar 二十四节令季节历 – 卫斯理 (背景: 西游记, 励志: 解密拯救) – Pasteurised, Milk
(Sea Tide – Nativity Events)

II. End B.C. – Maverick (Revelation Era) *Holoscopic Time Stalled the Emotionally

a. Israel Clan->Nazi Soldiers/Nobels (Ether Evil Spirit, Coral Sea)
b. First World (AU) – Archaelogy Exploitation (Hue Scale Up) – University, Canon Ash Dust the Passionate)
c. Capital City (Melbourne) the Financial City the University, Grass Land
d. (Supernova Clustered), (UFOs, Hue Scale Up)(Solar Wave Cold Down, Sky High 2.5G True Holy Spirit, Late Morning, Strait Coral Island)
e. (Ear Receiver, Sonar Network 2.5G, Membership Clan, Trojan Host, Wireless e.g. IoT, Remote Control, Security Door Linked-up)

Business Suit (High Devotion) whether Eden Suit – Double Extra Large Size (Mint, Olive Tree)(AU)
Chronicle Chronography Calendar 编年万年历 – 刘墉 (背景: 红楼梦, 励志: 加密变天) – Extracted, Honey
(Meta Clock – Nativity Biography)

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III. B.C. 50Million Year – Neck Uniforms (White House Era) *Holistic the Visionary

a. Turkey & Russia Repel Clan->Europe Warriors/Nazi Soldiers)(Ancient Ancestry Formation, First Noel), (Ether False Holy Spirit, Caribbean Sea)
b. Utopia Final (US) (Hue Scale Down) – Valley & Rock, Resin Dust the Repel
c. Federal City (Las Vegas, Climate Conspiracy Organised, Nazi), the Ministry Central, Land
d. (Epsilon Analog Hue Geothermal Network 1G, Nanotechnology, Dark Magic Ergonomic Overwrite, Quantum Bug Code, Private Calendar), (Solar Wave Cold Down, Sky 1G, Gentile, Mid Night, Jupiter Fountain)
e. Ear Emitting, Circuit Formation, Diode, Chrono (Flashdrive, Wire, Telecom)

Labour Suit (High Duty) whether Fashion Society Suit) – Extra Large Size (Rose, Flower in the Sketch)(US)
Israel Calendar以色列日历 – 毛泽东 (背景: 唐诗三百首, 励志: 楚河汉界) – Sterilised, Beer
(Duty per Capita – Eschatology Events)

IV. B.C. 1 – Mario Fashions (Blue House Era) *Pentecostal the Hall Mark

a. Europe Clan->Japan Geisha/Europe Warrior (Future Ancestry Formation), (Ether Ghost, Yangtze River)
b. First World (JPN) – Geography Exploration (Hue Scale Up) – Military Base, Crisp Dust the Puppet
c. Capital City (Seoul) the Financial City, Grass Land
d. (Solar Wave Warm Up, Sky High 2G, Pentecost, Dark Night, NA)
e. (Eye Receiver, Acoustic Network 2G)

Wendy Suit (Very High Devotion) whether Babel Suit – Small Size (Sakura, Cotton Tree Blackjack)(JPN)
Islam Calendar 回教年历 – 三毛 (背景: 红豆词, 励志: 传道继承) – Squeezed, Cider
(Gross Duty – 2nd Coming Jesus Events)

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V. A.D. 1 – Julie (Buckingham Era) *Holoscopic Time Stalled the Microscopic

a. Arab & Germans Repel Clan->Manchu Emperors/Japan Geisha (Ether Gentile, Melaka Strait)
b. Promised Land (SG) (Hue Scale Down) – High Land & Sand Lake, Toxic Dust the Best Bet otherwise
c. Federal City (Casino), the Ministry Central, Land
d. (Antenna Network 5G, The Pentecostal Wave, Seismic Alert in Hours, Months, Decade), (Solar Wave Cold Down, Sky 5G, Young Holy Spirit, Dusk, Swan Lake)
e. Brain Emitting – Magnetic Address, Milestone (Harddisk, Wireless, Satellite)

Christmas Suit whether Atonement Suit – Extra Small Size (Orchid, Fig Tree)(SG)
Julian Calendar 大纪元历 – 梁文福 (背景: 水浒传, 励志: 反清复明) – Tempered, Whiskey
(Gross Dust Wind – Stem Cells Populated, Visionary)

VI. Post A.D. – Bigfoot (Israel Wall Collapse Era) *Holistic the Macroscopic

a. Asia Clan->Indian Gurus/Manchu Emperors (Ether Gentile, Indian Ocean), Organic Dust the Trick otherwise
b. Third World (INDIA) – Industry Revolution (Hue Scale Up)
c. Capital City (Sri Lanka) the Financial City, Grass Land
d. (Sky High (Solar Wave Warm Up, Sky High 4.5G, False Holy Spirit, Evening, Peach Hill)
e. Heart Emitting, Quantum Network 4.5G, Live Communication the Nazi)

African Suit whether Noel Suit – Triple Extra Large Size (Lotus, Water Grass)(INDIA)
Bigfoot Calendar 阴历 – 鲁迅 (背景: 聊斋志异, 励志: 外星人侵略) – Quick Tempered, Cocktail
(Dust Wind per Capita – Spiritual Activity, Emotional)

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VII. B.C. 5000 Year – Pluto (Fairy Tale Era) *Orthogonal the Microscopic

a. Tionghua Clan->Kungfu Stars/Indian Gurus (Ether Young Holy Spirit, South China Sea)
b. Oriental I Jurassic Park (MY) (Hue Scale Down) Desert & Coral, Crystal Dust the Terrorism
c. Federal City (Iskandar), the Ministry Central, Land
d. (Radar Network 4G, The International Wave, FM), Sky (Solar Wave Cold Down, Sky 4G, Ghost, Dawn, Rush Hour)
(Town Communities, Nativity Footage), Land (Solar Dust Accumulated)
e. Heart Receiver, Diamond Holoscope, Cache, Carrier Mileage (ROM Disc, Blue Ray, Bluetooth, Radar)

Poker Suit whether Capitalist Suit – Medium Size (Oriental Rose, Rare Flower)(MY)
Lunar Calendar 农历 – 金庸 (背景: 三国志, 励志: 修道结义) – Annealed, Wine
(Moon Phase – Mental Tendency, Intellects)

VIII. Post B.C. – Cartoon (Canyon Road Era) *Orthogonal the Macroscopic

a. Persia & Japan Repel Clan->American Indian Boys/Hollywood (Ether Antichrist, Yellow River)
b. Third World – Renaissance (RUS) (Hue Scale Up) Hill & Jungle, Hot Dust the Murdering
c. Capital City (St. Peterburg) the Financial City, Grass Land
d. (Metropolis Communities, Global Village Footage), Grass Land (Solar Dust Dispersed)
e. (Brain Receiver, Telecom Electrical Network 3.5G, Wire Cable), (Solar Wave Warm Down, Sky High 3.5G, Evil Spirit, Afternoon, Industrial Park)

Mahjong Suit whether Redemption Suit – Large Size (Lily, Flower in the Well)(RUS)
Solar Calendar阳历 – 琼瑶 (背景: 三民主义, 励志: 马戏团恋情) – Quick Annealed, Oil
(Solar Dust – Crime Tendency, Natalie)

Copyright (C) 2022, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved. Errata 31Dec2022