Y5. Strait War

The Key of Failure of Singapore General Election is on whether the over 10 Non Alliance Opposition Parties can win over 2/3 seats, and this determine the granted Integrity as well as Power of Governor Party capable to pressurised and sanctioned on the Nazi Germany derivative i.e. Crime syndicate head person.

The recent so called Semitic Persecution in Hongkong i.e. Extradition Bill and National Security Law are coincidentally make an Introduction of pressuring Singapore Politics inclined toward opposition party.

The 1970s Vietnam Cold War had made enough background justification of Strait War, which is due to Christian Persecution i.e. Restraint evangelism to Chinese. Note that Hongkong people incl. Vietnamese are the Key Measure of Evangelism activity to the World, and the Degree of Perfection of Evangelism representing Chinese Civilisation.

Foresee future, this is the underlying reason to prevent repeating the mistake of Vietnam war.

What are other accompanied Factors to Strait War?

  1. Virus Epidemic resolution to Geographical Thief.
  2. Islam denomination dispute over Alternative Energy issues.
  3. Semitic Persecution to Climate Change conspiracy e.g. China, Japan.
  4. Terrorism Sanction to Migration Crisis.
  5. World Conspiracy Head disruption to Syndicate Change Interest.

All of these point toward Singapore is well rooted. This coming Singapore General Election would be the reflection the tension of Strait War.

War? Think Twice.

Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.