Y502. Christian Politics XV: 台海关系法之进退两难 – 民国末期 (Census)

I. 中华英雄, 绝代美人: 名利权贪奴隶制度之下的命运枷锁, 不过于此,美人作怪? 错!

Capitalism 资本主义: 国民党, 满清集团乱党 人权谬论化政治, 菜头教等同

Racialism 种族主义: 列宁社会党, 法西斯纳粹 经济风暴政治, 邪教等同

Socialism 社会主义: 马克思社会党, 满清集团 分流教育政治, 毒教等同

II. 乱世佳人: 后起之秀

北海, 黄河: 洋墨水泛生与商业垄断即武器条约抵触。满清叛军流离政权。中华英雄部落。
– 民国末期时代

IV. 江郎才尽: 候主再来

新马海峡, 长江: 破坏回教醒觉到回复兴的教育制度。文职乱党为主。皇帝后代部落
– 民国初期时代

III. 楚河汉界: 飞象过河

马六甲海峡, 珠江: 美国旧金山到华府的税收制度。民主霸权与民主乱党分离谬论。华侨明星部落
– 民国复兴时代
“大陆三通”“反正规宗教基要组织”“亲美吃软饭叛徒”,加速大陆两岸政商教霸权化,排华邪教分子。” “日本佛教与回教祈祷团精神病之诺亚方舟” (一脚踢)

IV. 无字天书: 无线

i. World War – Data Cryptography Audit against (Terrorism, Traitor)
A. Democrat Socialist: 打工皇帝 a.k.a. 新台湾, 黄金 (Anglo the Latin, Old Israelite)
Ashed, 林北/石猴, 黎明/鸡笼/狮女 (见证人, James, Israelite the Abraham Seal, Oriental),
华府, 貂蝉 (African, Alternate Core) vs Devil (Security Bank)
King the Pope, Qing Syndicate Funding, 加勒比海, 黄海, 加利利海, 琼/满
Mary the Rabbi, Semitic Royal 
Apostolic AU Chinese Contemporary Bible (Music Mathematics)

B. Marxism Communist: 发烧友, 金兰结 a.k.a. 新香港 (Levi the Irish, Hebrew)
Ink, 空壳/好货, 蜡笔/卫斯理 (文莱元帅, 开蓬跑车 Lawsuit Free, Islam Adam, Latin, End Time)
紫禁城, 白素vs False Christ (World Bank)
Chancellor the Royal, ISIS Terrorism Syndicate Funding, 马六甲海峡, 台海, 红海, 粤澳湘
Maria the Princess, Semitic Traitor 
Episcopal US Chinese King James Version (Engineering Coring)

ii. Cold War – Pilgrim Wall against (Disaster, Repel)
C. Nationalist: 中华英雄 a.k.a. 新中华, 犹太帮 (Germans the Roman, Israelite)
Cultured, 小龙/小龙女, 龙在天/龙在痴/卧龙孔明 (金刚, Peterburg, Jewish the Noel Seal, Utopia)
达尔文实验室, 西施 (Business, False Core) vs Satan (Remote Agency)
Jack the President, Neo Nazi Organised, 珊瑚海, 黄河, 尼罗河, 浦/闽
Eve the Lord, Semitic Congress
Fundamentalist EU Chinese Union Version (Economic Science)

D. Monarchy Democrat: 情汗, 汉奸 a.k.a. 大上海 (Jude the Welsh, New Hebrew)
Cultivated, 匿名/大名, 明星老鼠/白老鼠/龙的传人 (芭提雅赌神, 整人专家 Licensed Free, Islam Noel, Greek, No End)
布拉格, 王昭君 (Labour, Graded Core) vs Serpent (Intelligence Office)
Colonel the Pope, Qing Syndicate Organised, 南中国海, 东海, 爱琴海, 津琼京
Lilith the Final Eve, Economic Congress
Catholic RUS New International Version (Medicine Reinvention)

iii. Civil War – Martial Act against (Pandemic, Cult)
E. Republican: 华侨明星 a.k.a. 新华, 星期天 (Jew the Gothic, Old Hebrew)
Aggregated, 明太子/古早人/千里马, 华龙/古龙/独角兽 (所罗门, Joseph, Hebrew the Jacob Seal, Advent)
天安门-新华府, 楊贵妃 (Wendy, Extra Core) vs Man of Sins (First Aid)
Queen the Royal, Mafia Think Tank,日本海, 古黑龙江, 约旦河, 桂闽杭
Elizabeth the Queen, Semitic Regime
Puritan UK Chinese Standard Version (Computer Metrology)

F. Fasci Socialist: 草根, 星期五 a.k.a. 老上海 (Greek, New Israelite)
Conjugated, 上海滩/中南海, 东方不败/几度夕阳红 (日本娘惹舞蹈, Duty Free, Islam Prophet, Roman, Ending)
龙门客栈, 嫦娥vs False Prophet (Weapon)
God Father the President, Qing Mafia Underground, 珠江,长江, 巴比伦河, 澳/苏
Mary Jane the Grace, Semitic Repel
Vatican NZ Tyndale Chinese Translation (Social Engineering)

Errata 14Jan2023