Y51. 上帝允许它发生,终有了解答 The God allow it happen, finally has answer

The Train derailment accident in Taiwan has bring doubts on Christianity Foundation as well as it feasibility on people. These could blaming to Calvinism Theology defects. The authentic belief must build on the trust of man to man, man to God, and man to people. And far more beyond the trust of man to God relationship only.

There always taller than taller mountain, please don’t execute Christian Persecution on those preacher and Christianity believer, and the Gospel Leak is low level risk. Thanks. On the other side, hope those Agnostic don’t base on lucks, but put more effort and perseverance until seeking the true Truth and true Life.


一山还比一山高,请求大家不要再对传福音,信福音的基督徒逼迫, 福音的泄露只不过是很小的风险。谢谢。另外希望所有‘不可知论者’不要抱着侥幸的心理,尽最大努力,直到寻找真理与生命。

这里附上基督教信仰的梯级。Hereby attached the different level of Christianity belief.

Level 1. Gentile 望
Level 2. Agnostic 信
Level 3. Reborn incl. Success Marriage 爱
Level 4. Atheism 功
Level 5. Preaching 宣
Level 6. Baptism 洗
Level 7. Righteoues 义
Level 10. Suffering 扛

如果你在信仰上遇到什么问题,欢迎来我的网站 https://croyals.org 寻找解答。If you meet any circumstance on your belief, please welcome to my website https://croyals.org to find the resolves.

Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. Matthew 18:22
耶稣对他说:“我告诉你:不是七次,而是七十个七次*。 马太福音 18:22

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