Y511. Christian Finance Q: Gravity Number and Economy Milestone (Review)

I. Jewellery: Dollar a.k.a. Capital
3.5G Promised Land the University Colonel
Dollar: Blood Cell a.k.a. Fatal Deed 致命派
Forecast Supply per Capita i.e. Trade

II. Medicine: Won a.k.a. Merchant
3G Third World the Church the Reformation
Won: Real Bet a.k.a. Crushed Byte 唯心派
Marginal Supply per Capita i.e. Intelligence

III. Energy: Bucks a.k.a. Landmark
4.5G Renaissance the Heritage the Private
Cent: First Night a.k.a. Cast Out Brick 学术派
Marginal Supply per Gross Capita i.e. Treasure

IV. Food: Marks or Sterling a.k.a. Wreckage
5G Advent the Church the Evolution
Sterling: Meta Deed a.k.a. Impressive Deed 印象派
Stable Supply per Gross Capita i.e. Universal Capital
Stable Supply per Capita i.e. International Capital

V. Weapon: Yuan a.k.a. Federal
4G First World the University MBA
Grand: Footprint Byte a.k.a. Projected Bet 卫生派
Ordered Supply per Capita i.e. Military

VI. Intellectual: Pound a.k.a. Kingdom
1G Oriental the Heritage the Public
Pound: Fabricated Brick a.k.a. Idol Night 偶像派
Stable Supply per Capita i.e. Nativity

*The Major Axis transformed Coherently into Six Entity.

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