Y517. Biblical Application: Catechism for Semitic and Buddhism (Broadcast)

A. Nazi Scapegoat and Caesar Debt
Levi Government
or Jew Government
Duty Free: Tither Suit (Guinea)
Heavy Duty: Cowboy Suit (Caribbean)
Rule out Semitic: Jew

B. Chinese Medicine Ethnic and Silk Road Carrier
Buddhism Democrat Monarchy: Pureland Buddhism the Extra Space (2nd Element)
Buddhism Noel the End of the World. e.g. Mongolia Buddhism, Japan Buddhism, Thai Buddhism etc.
Duty Oriented
Marxism Socialist
Human Rights the Orthogonal
Tionghua Chinese – Economy Treasure

Buddhism Democracy: Silk Road the Western Buddhism (Residue)+(Final Products)
Published, Bluehouse
Chinese Medicine to Holistic Medicine Cutting Edge Therapy
Oriental Democracy
Conservative the Erotic Security
Emperor Chinese – University Hierarchy

Buddhism Royalism: Silk Road the Chinese Buddhism (Final Products)+(Residue)
University, Remote
Kungfu Manual
Fasci Socialist
Extremist the Agape
Oversea Chinese – Church Evolution

Buddhism Royalism Democrat: Pureland Buddhism the Upgraded Sky (1st Element)
End World Backup,
e.g. Hongkong Joshua, Shanghai Joshua, Taiwan Joshua.
Economy Oriented
Human Rights the Pentecostal
Traitor Chinese – Economy Congress

Chosen Carrier: Oversea Chinese, the Rule Out to Orthodox Elections, the Ashed Chinese.

Copyright (C) 2023, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.