Y524. Christian Education XXVII: Stellar Dating, Holysee based Marriage Duty (Post)

A. Promised Land (Jesuit, Major Prophet)(Applied Physics)(Big Loop)->Stalled Track the Returns
Security (Spiritual Prompted, Multi Theology)(+1min)
Christmas Era the Silk Road the Carrier Kingkong 丝绸之路之彩虹金刚 (Natalie Crime)
Horse/Cat Women vs Diamond Queen – Church, Tither Clan
Mileage: Spiritual Carrier Distance->Dogma per Dating (Covering, Scapegoat)
Old A.D. 10000 to A.D. 1000 (Trade), 小平朝廷之新台湾 – 民国初期

B. Heaven (Caesar, Minor Prophet)(Economic Science)(Imaginary Reflection)->Mono Track the Famed
Romance (Feeding, Stereology)(+6min)
Canyon Road the Rambo花岗岩路之蓝波 (Mafia Crime)
Dragon/Butterfly Lady vs Dragon Princess – Internet, Holysee Clan
Ergonomic: Alternate Core->Ecumenical (Rolling, Gentile)
B.C. 5000 to B.C. 1 (Intelligence), George Town, Buckingham Scene 太平朝廷之新香港, 白金汉宫背景 – 民国初期

C. Renaissance (John the Baptist, Matthew Gospel)(Medicine Veterinary)(Axis)->Overtime Privilege the Bonus
Life (Natural Prompted, Trilogy)(-6min)
China Emperor Era the End World Backup Plan 中国皇帝拯救计划 (Organised Crime)
Repels Lamb, Lambda/Deer Nun vs Mickey – Casino, Great Wall
Nativity: Spiritual Freedom->Nativity Population Census 圣诞人口普查 (Remapping)(Sheep)
A.D. 500 to A.D. 1500 (Treasure), Oriental Express Train Station, Istanbul Era 近平朝廷之大上海 – 民国兴期

D. Advent (Peterburg, John Gospel)(Medicine the Holistic)(Final Touch)->Honey Moon Fantasy Welfare
Abundancy (Automatic)(+5min)
Arena of 1st War最后战役后 (Girl Crime)
Lion/Rabbit Lady vs Bunny – College, Berlin Wall
Duty: Graded Core->Etymology (Mapping)(Lamb)
A.D. 1750 to A.D. 2000 (Drama), Funky Town, CRF Blue House Era 小龙朝廷之新中华府- 民国兴期

E. Oriental (Elijah, Revelation)(Social Engineering)(End Loop)->Over Acclaimed Penalty
Time Metric (Manual)(-5min)
3R Len Footprint, 6R Toned Footage, i.e. Stereo
Rebounce to 2nd War 全体撤军前 (Man Crime)
Righteous Sheppard Dog, Sigma/Fox Nun vs Wendy, Fine Dining, Tips Suit
Cryptography: Spiritual Journey->Book of Life 生命册 (Landing, Antichrist)
A.D. 1500 to A.D. 2500 (Military), Facebook Account, Whitehouse the Wendy Era 显龙朝廷之新华府 – 民国末期

F. Utopia (Joseph, Genesis)(Computer Mathematics) (Feedback)->Exaggerated Exotic
Boundary (Remote, Mono)(-1min)
Abraham Era the Judgement 亚伯拉罕审判 (Intellect Crime)
Lost and Found Sheep, Epsilon/Spider Women vs Monalisa, Hollywood, Charity Suit
Milestone: Extra Core->Eschatology (Departure, Goat)
Pre A.D. 5000 to A.D. 1 (Nativity), Christ Town, Whitehouse Cowboy Era 中山朝廷之华府 – 民国末期

(Credit to “Daelynn Loh Wan Yee”, Registered Architect, Childhood Lover)

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