Y534. Classification Of Ethnic VIII: Heaven Elections as well as Theology Treasure Pillar & Foundation (Census)

The Three Carrier per Continent and 3 Viral Villain Schism the Correlation

A. 黄, Lamb 圣哉, 猎人 vs Gentile 四活物, 月宫 (满清政权, 满洲黑龙 vs 炎黄, 宫廷) 治水, 珠江, 珍珠: Israelite the Jacob Rolls, Nile River 尼罗河 – Royalism->Medicine WHO/NASA/WWF (Projection Blueprint the Metrology)
Polish the Catholic: 满 (救赎论 Redemption)
Dutch the Episcopal: 庆 (象征论 Tither)
French the Fundamentalist: 荆 (神学论 Atonement)
Germanic the Gross Schism: 客 (怀疑论 Schism)
Germans the Vatican: 闽 (爱情进化论 Diplomacy e.g. Marriage Tither in Ring number)

B. 琼, Sheep 独角兽, 牧羊人vs Antichrist 以利亚先知, 阴间 (汉室, 朝廷 vs 楚国, 诸侯) 蝗灾, 黄河, 海鲜: Hebrew the Abraham Series, Galilea Sea 加利利海– Democrat->Security CIA/FBI/ZION (Graded Blueprint the Criminology)

Anglo the Regime Repel, Deep Sea 琼 White Sea Coral Sea 日本海
Irish, Coral Island 温 Yellow Sea Deep 南中国海
Gothic, Isles 杭 Red Sea Strait 东海
Welsh, Yellow River 浙 Deep Sea 黄河
Scottish the Cells Schism, River 苏 Gland Sea 长江
British the Royal Traitor, Strait 京 White River 古黑龙江

C. 桂, Goat 牧羊犬, 羊群 vs Scapegoat 六头兽, 十二果实树 (太阳的后裔, 明太子 vs 华夏, 疆域) 野火, 长江, 盐湖: Jewish the Adam Generations, Jordan River 约旦河 – Democracy->Theology UN/KMT/NATO (Cast Out Blueprint the Heritage)
Canaan i.e. Arabian 壮
Levi i.e. Aboriginal 粤
Jude i.e. Diaspora 津
Latin i.e. Egyptian 疆
Greek i.e. Indigenous 府
Roman i.e. Persian 蒙

Theology Foundation:

Graded Core: Tither Flagship e.g. COSMOS, Universe Cryptography
Alternate Core: Islam Ally Flagship e.g. NASA, Clinical Modular Layering
Extra Core: Buddhism Ally Flagship e.g. CNSA, Universal Constant

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