Y544. War Insight XXX: Operation Sambal Beat the Dust Collector (Whiteboard)

The Heaven Residue the Dust

I. Oriental Fulfilment: End of World
Castle in the Space –Democracy Congress Constitution (Geneva Banking)
Fallacy Supplementary: Democracy is progressive shift to Lock Trade Zone, hence the Economy of Democracy (i.e. Finance Rating in terms of Marriage Meta), made Backward Footprint.
Conspiracy Organised Crime – Nazi Cells Schism (i.e. Protestant) of All Populated Community Leadership. Military Regime of Russian Repels Dust per Gross Capital Deficit.

Bunches: Mafia, Spectra Organised Syndicate the Humanity Crime->Rabbi, the Stevenburg.

Hostage & Ransom: Natalie Persecution i.e. True Holy Spirit, the Colony of Sea Law the Primary Custom.
Prime: Seeking Economy Treasure Dust called it Long Established Public Estate, and Sheppard the Land Lord. High Finance Rating Marriage Regime Capital, i.e. Nazi Headquarter the ultimate.
Weapon: Meta Net. Sea Policy.

II. Renaissance Fulfilment: End of Earth
Eden Garden the African Semitic – Islam Democracy (Jordan Banking)
Fallacy Primary: Islam Education cannot be Westernised, that against the Abraham Law of Pure Science Soldier. Jordan against Abraham.
Conspiracy Organised Crime – ISIS Regime of Democrat Monarchy i.e. Islam Noel Calendar that has include Adventist Calendar. Military Regime of African Dust per Capita.

Bunches: Mafia, Spectra Mafia the War Crime ->Pope, the Peterburg.

Hostage & Ransom: Intellect Persecution i.e. Heaven Incarnation, the Chronicle Critics Avoidance.
Prime: The Tither of High Metric Capita, those Holysee and Pentecost. i.e. Pure Science Soldier the African ISIS (i.e. Climate Change Pollution Maker)
Weapon: Pentecostal Gun. Sky Treaty.

*Why Climate so important when Time Fade?
Answer: Climate is not Weather. It is Pure Love Swing, when Climate Change Happen. Hence Parties Formed and Disruption, when Adventist Calendar Aligned Era.

Cold War: Operation Sambal Beat, Nazi Scapegoat Disruption, Sambal Minister Chairman
Threshold: New All in One Heritage Security Package, incl. Education Bandwidth at Premium Add On. e.g. Bird Species Level, the Coverage on Carrier Defect and Ethnic Defect, Erotic Defect, etc Defect.
Target: Christian Organisation, Only Localised Academy Flagship Tither.

Hybrid the Sambal Boundary

World War: Operation Sambal Bass, ISSI Funding Disruption, Sambal Moderator Board
Threshold: Non Destructive Weapon for Erotic Defect Scamming, those High Gross Capital Military Regime of Pollution Maker the African Virgin with Lock Zone (i.e. Non Tither Zone the Cult).
Target: Chinese Fellowship Union, the Chinese Made Security, & Banking Legislation

He told them: “Take nothing for the journey—no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra shirt. Luke 9:3
耶稣对他们说:“你们在路上什么都不要带。不要带手杖,不要带行囊,不要带食物,不要带银子,每个人也不要带两件衣服。– 路加福音 9:3

Commentary: “你走你的阳光道。我走我的独木桥” 兵分两路!-大卫的后裔

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