Y557. War Insight XXXIII: Crime Syndicate New Era or Adventist into Heaven, Quantum Weapon to Fire Wall Enclosure (Whiteboard)

I. Mafia Organised, (Lock10, Mafia Dragon Remark Grace Era 满洲政权, Israelite), Detect Solar Activity of Time Back to Future, 火 (Mars)
Gravity Mark, Jewellery Energy, Nativity Milestone
Hosting, Completed Archive with Mars Holy See

II. ISIS, (Ashed Skin Natalie Democracy Oversea Chinese 台湾, 汉室朝廷, Jewish), Detect Looping of Footage, 水 (Moon)
Kelvin Mark, Flowers, Cryptography Ranking
Client, Carbon Exposure per Gross Capital Federal

III. Fasci Communist, (18 Luohan, Tionghua Chinese, 北京, 楚国诸侯, Gentile), Detect Star Dust Rush Hour, 雷 (Deep Sea i.e. Deep Sky)
Data Mark, National Heritage, Chronography Age
Fire Wall, Censored on Information but Free Charge on Security & Trade & Products.

IV. Nazi Communist, (Chinese Emperor the Chinese Royalism, 不丹, 日本太阳的后裔, Hebrew), Detect Informatic Disease into Fatality, 风 (Isle i.e. Pond)
Hall Mark, Animal, Ergonomic Standard
Port, Blind Join Members Practise.

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