Y563. War Insight XXXIV: The End World Escape Fallacy (Whiteboard)

I. 60 years (AU, rocket, to Outspace Holy See)
6 meta per capita, Family
Dust into Organic

II. 1year (Chinese, 1st train, Singapore to Malaysia to Cross Over Adventist to Sky Train)
Sky into Dust

6 meta per capita, Family
22 meta per capita, Union

III. 3month (Islam, trial beta, “Islam Noel”), required from Organic into Sky.
Series only. Space X Rocket by Stellar Head, in Launch in US.
20 Meta Church
Cold War to disruption on the Weapon Regime Surgent. The Series Influx of refugee.
Disruption the “Genocide of Mass Massacre” in Malaysia Klang.
Stop the Triggering immediately by Car dog fight of Ante Weapon

Civil War 游击战
Victory against ISIS states the Islam Democracy in US and Malaysia.
HQ in Singapore. Or Remote.

Cold War instead.
Biblical Villain are the scapegoat to block the telecommunication and make car mounting weapon a micro gravity generator weapon for Lock the Time, by Time Stalled.
Scapegoat are among the highest executor for defeat of this Cold War turning into ISIS falls. Entirely.
Without the White house Hijacked, scapegoat cannot administrate any weapon.
Or nuclear weapon is not a wise choice, it is automatic by God remote.
You cannot always testing it, No use. Wasting Bullet.
Just make Judification or Ecumenical for Justice Execution by Russia Ultimate now.
On the Scapegoat, by over certain period of monitoring and probe. Its time now to make some Execution by Justice. It cant make mistake by True Love.
Which is the 2 Nuclear axis of ISIS in Malaysia and United States. Cold War, Cold War Cold war Nuclear axis on Korea was improper move now, as it is too late and too loud not longer a quantum energy of Axis of Nuclear.

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