Y572. Setup own Croyal version Telecommunication Protocol by Light Agency (Forum)



采用 Mining Wave called mmGravity

i.e. Ether Wave

制造大量的 quantum wave energy packet.

brain cell, lung cell, blood cell, all physical dimensionless unit functions in Greek 24 rolls.

Biomedical Weapon

Stellar Scaled fabric method, is getting 10% normalised.

5G mobile

Hence we need to form up recognised Agency to influence the Telecommunication protocol to ban the Channel of False Informatic Wave by Software algorithm of correlation for examples.

The Protocol has to enforced on all similar device for non Military purpose only. e.g. the off road or on road.

Void on this military take down is right above them all at no time.

3 meta capita for this Agency.

Thinker, doer, Stakeholder

Disease Software algorithm I don know

This is public funded foundation for against all the Global threat at once and all.

by telecommunication protocol alone.

no more.

Copyright (C) 2023, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.