Y580. Christian Mathematics XX: Medicine & Industrial & Laboratory Estate (Whitepaper)

I. Architecture->Engineering->Holistic Formula of Moses Code & Its Variation, Derivative & Carrier.

II. Medicine Branch out->Energy Value Packet per Calendar of Eschatology, i.e. Protein Product Making Scheme.

III. Industrial Branch out->Stellar i.e. Organic Aggregates, The Universe Constant (per Duty Meta Ranking Capita) e.g. Lambda #3 Newton Wave, #Lambda #13 Einstein Wave Lambda #9 Archimedes Wave

IV. Telecommunication Branch out->Dust i.e. Mafia Crime, The Heaven Milestone, Thermal Curvature Blueprint by War & Wall of Catholic 3 Treasure. e.g. Weapon Exclusive License (Holy See), Climate Exclusive Duty (Holy Spirit), Hygienic Exclusive Intelligence (Biblical Soul)

Conceptual->Design->Prototype->Development->Pilot Run->Mass Production

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