Y581. War Insight XXXV: The New Tension yield, Malaysia and Korea Currency Packets (Whiteboard)

Electric Car was not adapted in Malaysia, and this could made Malaysia into Third World or First World Country.

Based on the Crude Oil Engine will still adapted as major fuel in next coming industrial era.

Hence, the Rejection of Electric Car, Malaysia will turn out from entering into Global Class stay behind International City and bordered out from History and geographically in South East Asia.

And the Main reason of rejecting Electric Car is Malaysia had sought after Adventist Place for Heavenly Kingdom arrival. Whereafter the Big Mass Exodus would happen after the God Kingdom Route.

This is a reminder of pursuit the God Kingdom than anything in this Contemporary era than meaningful Pentecost era.

The dispute and tension between Malaysia and Korea the Fasci Cult Headquarter would continue until the more routes ahead.

Just a confused.

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