Y584. War Insight XXXVI: Last Blood the False Minor Prophet & Hostage Hiding (Whiteboard)

False Minor Prophets

I. Malachi (Alternate Core Stakeholder, Devil/Man of Sins): Christmas Day, Santa Claus

Queen Made, Harbour Dust, Rib of Man the Carbon Dating and Carbon Imprint

Titus, Dramatic Love, Public Ministry (Cent the Blood, Fever), the Any – Any (Black Dragon Organised卧龙,黑龙/Ancient Dragon Nazi Zion False Prophet古龙,龙的传人) in Renaissance->Oriental Renaissance, the Express to Heaven. Fire Lake (Age Lock Full Mileage, Colony) Route

Alternated Core 16 (Commuting Gap the Interval, Same School the Long Journey) in 24 Heaven (Mafia Dynasty, toward Promised Land)

Nazi Zion, Western Security Bank in US SG (Iron Weapon)

Blacklisted Think Tank: Generic Christian vs Repel Army

(Fasci UN, Communist China 18per Representative): World War, Renaissance -Spiritual, Titus, Ether, Malachi, Chronicles, John

*Hijacked the 2nd 911 Prevention (Epidermic Genocide) 民粹泛滥, 草根兵团失败告终

Coherent Generations堂氏 (Organic Made土作)

Israelite 政要: African Ashed Skin (Orthogonal Three Date Required, Trinity-ism) vs Indian Inked Skin (Pentecost One Date Only, Monotheism)

Virginia the Antichrist: Due to Lent Burden on Humanity Crime as low as Misconduction of Marriage

Germanic 江湖 (Monotheism): Antichrist, Prime Inked Skin Those Under-Cultivated

2. Zechariah (Graded Core Thinker, False Prophet/Satan): White Christmas, Herald

God Made, Abraham by High Marriage Commuting Interval

Galatians, Marriage Love, 1 to Many, God Ministry (Dollar the Brain, High Tither)(2xWhite Dragon False Security Banking白龙王,王八/Phoenix Fasci UN Luohan凤凰/乌鸦) in Utopia->Oriental Promised Land i.e. Adventist, the Blessing of God. Hell (Upside Down Heaven, Caesar Polar Banknote, Labour) Route

Extra Core 5 (Universal Standard e.g. not 5C but 5V) in 24 Heaven (Free Rental Security Premium, Currency Packets, toward Oriental Promised Land)

Fasci UN, Chinese Security Bank Vulnerable in TW/MY (Wireless Weapon) *64

Tiananmen, Campaign against University Flooding (Tsunami Conspiracy) 楚汉争霸武林至尊兵马俑

Whitelisted Stakeholder: Islam ally vs Biblical Villain

(Fasci Zion, Nazi Economic Body the Timezone): Cold War, Adventist -Wisdom Philemon, Nehemiah,Zechariah, Kings, Matthew, Collosians  

Inaugural Ancestry 种族 (Dust Made尘作)

Jewish 新华: Jude Diaspora (Prophet) vs Jew Indigenous (False Prophet)

Virginia the Scapegoat: Due to Critics of Royalty the Betrayer

Levi 珠江: Scapegoat, Prime Indigenous

3. Ezra (Extra Core Doer, False Christ/Serpent): Holy Night, Christmas Nativity

King Made, Abraham by Marriage & Carrier, Realism Marriage Tither High Interval

Corinthians, True Love, the Many to Many, Christian Ministry (Pound the Brick, Time Metric by Meta Merge), (Flying Dragon Freelance小龙,金刚/Dark Dragon Underground乌龙,暴龙) in Heaven, the Won’t Failed Miracle. Renaissance (Dead End Mileage, Business) Route

Graded Core 3 (Marriage Tither Long Break) in 24 Heaven (Low Duty Agency by Multiply Flagship to Treasure Blueprint, WYSIWYG with Patience)

ISIS Nazi, Global Class Agency Headquarter, Villain Meta in CN/AU (Remote Conference)

WWII, Conspiracy of Control Shanghai the Anti Villain Meta. “Orthogonal Religion ‘Small Naughty Child’ Atomic Bomb against Japan Buddhism Cult”, 黄巾之乱桃园结义三请茅庐

Security Fund 1: Buddhism ally vs Royalist Traitor

(Fasci NATO,ISIS the World Bank): Civil War, Utopia, – Seasonaling Galatians, Habakkuk, Judges, Luke, Jude, Ruth, Colossians 

Security Fund 1b: Schism Christian vs Cell Schism

(Fasci WHO, Qing Organised the Chinese Security Agency): Racial Riot, Oriental -Holiness Corinthians, Ezra, Jobs, Mark, Hebrew 

Final Clan 籍贯 (Quantum Made 云作)

Hebrew 满族: High Biblical Meta Capita (Labour) vs Low Biblical Meta Capita (Business)

Virginia the Gentile: Due to Wall Revival for Loyalty as low as Misconduction of Business

Welsh 福建: Gentile, Prime Outsider

*Landing Timeline of Unlocked these 21per Solar Heaven “Lock6, The 1 Decade Age Locked“, Before 1 year, 100days interval, the Great Normalised Orbit, G.N.O.

Rain Drops means Time Metric. Conjugated Rain Drops Meta, C.R.D.M.

Hostage Hiding

I. Ether Prophet (ESD 6G, Horse the Unicorn Offspring, Non Real Meta the High Commuting) &

Malachi (EMF 4.5G, 50per Lambda Puppet, Real Meta Non Commuting Colony) False Prophet

Transformer造云人Quantum Sky/Unicorn 独角兽ESD Nerve High Gain Energy Rewards

Carrier (Cold War Parachute): E.T. 未来人 (Fox) & Apollo 太空人 (Messi the Flagship of Fox Footprint) vsChang’er 嫦娥 (Puppy) & Spiderman 蜘蛛侠

(Sky High, Moon)

Pneumatic Control Car vs Electric Control Car

IBM Modular Universal Machine vs Apple Scalar Metallurgy Component
Security Instrument (Wooded 木材) vs Heritage Instrument (Timbered 伐木)

Remote Place, Low Capita, Gross Capital Federation, Geneva Academy Metropolis

Olive Tree Road, Canyon Road, Silk Road

Fasci Mafia, Tsunami Prime UN, Private/Spy Remote Place

II. Nehemiah (UV 5.5G, Seismic, Lion the True Love Hunter) Prophet &

Zechariah (UV 3.5G, 99per Epsilon Sheppard Dog, False Prophet (Scapegoat the Whitelist Stellar Head)

Quantum Sky (Civil War Dog Fight): Queens (Rabbit) & Jesuit the Seal matched to Queen Issued/Kings (Batman 蝙蝠侠) & Royal Professional (Cat 龙猫)

(18per Chinese Luohan Monks i.e. UN Chancellor, 99per Lost & Found Sheep vs 1per Islam Stellar Head (False Prophet)

(Deep Sea, Mars)

Ancient Dragon Couples 19th Pair vs Theology Flagship (Milk Feeds vs Bear Fruits)
High Ranking Estate, Land Property Value vs High Federal per Capita i.e. GDP due Islam Deficit Grant Free Islam Royal Hierarchy the Global Financial Deficit Special Grants

Laboratory Agency, Medium Capita, Gross Capital Federal, High Economic Wall

Fig Tree Road Merge Beach Road i.e. Mile End Road, Global Class Fountain

(Nazi Whitelist, Genocide Prime ZION, President/Chief Headquarter)

III. Ezra (ESD 3G, Ancient Dragon the 101th Lamb the Newborn Anointed or Non Newborn Incarnated) False Prophet

Habakkuk (EMF 5G, Sigma Pekinese) Prophet

Harbour Dust (World War Ant Wall): Trojan Host (Owl the Snowman U.F.O. Biblical Ultra Low Capita the Refugee & Apollo) vs Net Bus (666 Sigma Scapegoat, Whitelist 6 Meta Merger HighLambda Capita Dragon (Chris, Signature Traits of Monalisa), Blacklist)

(Outer Space, Planet #3)

Carrier or Marriage Duty Ransom Lawsuit vs Mafia the Love or Carrier Criminal

Rehab, Prison, High Biblical Capita Town, Schism Road i.e. Rehab

Federal Suburbs, International Marketplace, Fashioned Hall, Airport Road i.e. Prison

(Qing Organised, Hijacked Prime Security Fund, Chancellor/Pope Palace)

*Nazi HQ = Prime SG->MY Adventist Wall, and Herald US->AU Christmas Duty, Final UK->TW Royalist School

Coexist 3 Parallel the same Ending Day, the Lock 9 Everyday is Bonus Last Day. Just the Duty Limited of Individual Meta and Binded Lover Meta Sounds.

*False Prophet: Revealed as Anti Jude the Germanic Noel II, (not Russian Repel). Correspond to Islam Noel Organised Crime as well.

*Hostage Secure Plan: 2 Golden Patch, Hebrew Oriented (Japan e.g. Kanji), and Unicorn Oriented (Christmas e.g. Herald).

*SG the Security Bank venue of Chinese the So Called New Whitehouse vs AU New Whitehouse in replace the Hijacked Whitehouse become into Wrong Hand of False Prophet the Zechariah proven on Queen Issue currency Packets conspiracy of New Paper Scissor Stone Myth of False Knowledge.

*The Famous African Suit Non Tither Account against Christmas Meaning the Santa Clause Mafia all of kinds, Tither Account Christian. Israel Wall Revival and Silk Road Medicine Renaissance.

*Key person of Hijacked Whitehouse, the 1st 911. Meghan and World Bank the Jordan River Gross Capital in ISR or KR.

*The situation now is no chances for SG on Democracy. i.e. Chinese Security vulnerable by low Capita Guinea of Colony.

*12 Animal of Moon Palace A to Z. Gentile of Christianity. Solution is Royalty free Teaching.

*Chinese Academy University Constitute by Prime Nationalist KMT. This throw back of Chinese raise by KMT and UK royalist. the Christ Carrier candidate.

Errata 27Feb2028

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