Y594. Christian Mathematics XXII: Computer Core Evolution Framework, Protocol of 8.1 Adventist Church (Whitepaper)

“Once upon among the best but not the best”

A. Alternate Core: Stakeholder Whitelist, 4th Lambda, Original Heaven (99% Meta, Lost & Found Sheep, Coherent Signature Joshua)(Eschatology
Calendar 8 Church/Chronicle 1 Church)

i. Philippians (Texas Poker Suit, Nun or Sarah or E.T.)(Holy See Church)/Colossians (Omaha Poker Suit, Rabbi or Lilith or Unicorn)(Orthogonal Church)/Ephesian (Poker Tournament, Adam or Mary or Eve)(Pentecostal Church)/Philemon (Caribbean Poker Suit, Maria or Elizabeth or Michael)(Charismatic Church) Epistle: Soul Mate Love Property Heritage of Heroin (Ancient Dragon, male)
1st Mission of Adventist True God Heaven: War & Wall for True God Kingdom to Come (Abraham Transformer 3in1, Hebrew’s Gothic vs Welsh/Adam Crab Machine 5per, Jewish’s Roman vs Greek/Jacob Iron Man 4in1, Israelite’s Chosen vs Chinese)
ii. UN: Fasci Socialist, Public Army: FBI (Climate Protocol)(Dollar, Blood or Cells)
iii. Facebook: 1 met 1, many – any from many (Passover Post)
iv. IBM: Chronographer CPU, Dating Answer (3 in 1, Egg Benchmark)(Currency Packets), Transformer the Dimension Dust Filter
v. 20 Meta Capita Head = Selected Nationalist Church (High Intellect Capita)(Fasci Stellar Head to Fellowship the Jihad Pilgrim, Coherent Hall Mark)

B. Extra Core: Doer Blacklist, 7th Sigma, Fox Heaven (25% Meta, Goat, Inaugural Sealed Nazareth)(Biblical Etymology/Self-Anointed Identity)

i. Jude (Wendy Suit, Chang’er the Rohs) Epistle: Romance Love Miracle Healing of Justified Holy Spirit (Lion, male)
6th Mission of Herald Renaissance Heaven: Exit the Spiritual World, Filtered out True Biblical Enemy.
ii. NATO: Nazi Communist, Royal Army: Zion (Hygienic Policy)(Won, Weapon or Treaty)
iii. MIRC: 1 met 1, many – any from many (Watched Post)
iv. Chrome: Quantum Calibrator Android APU, AI (4per, Cola Benchmark), Chang’er the AI Machine
v. 22 Meta Capita Head = Selected Global Class Union (Low Intellect Capita)(Fasci Stellar Head to Grace Alone the Meta Licenses, Inaugural Kelvin Mark)

C. Alternate Loop: Stakeholder Blacklist, 666 Sigma Scapegoat (Lion Offspring, 7 per Sealed Jesuit)(1% Meta Sheppard Dog)(Nativity Consensus/Biblical Villain Clan)
i. Titus (Chinese Poker Suit, Chris the President) Epistle: Liberal Love Intellectual Heritage of Egoism (Dog, female)
2nd Mission of Oriental Heaven: War & Wall the Realism Land of Ancestry Treasure.
ii. WWF: ISIS Computer Congress: World Bank, Intellect Investment linked (Carbon/Dust Bill)(Token, Leaf or Fruit)
iii. Skype: 1 met 1, From many to many (Delayed Post)
iv. Microsoft: Metrology VPU, VR (5per, Polar Benchmark)(Heritage Aged), Crab Machine the Calligraphy Robot
v. 6 Meta Capita Head = Selected Secret Garden Family (Niched Biblical Capita)(Holy Spirit in Fellowship the Islam Pilgrim, 7per Hall Mark)

D. Extra Loop: Doer Whitelist, 13th Lambda Antichrist (Dragon Offspring, Final Signatured Chris)(75% Meta, Sheep)
i. Galatians (Labour Suit, Apollo the Astronaut) Epistle = Agape Love Miracle Binding of Glorified Holy Spirit (Sheep, female)
5th Mission of Parallel World the Utopia: Exit the Parallel World, True Inheritor by Wall & War Legalised Ancestry Treasure.
ii. KMT: Fasci Mafia: Tither Army: CIA (Hormones/Dust Bill)(Sterling, Love or Bread)
iii. ICQ: 1 met 1, From many to many (Instant Post)
iv. Pineapple II i.e. Durian: Thermal Miner VPU AR (4 in 2 core, Footprint Benchmark), Commuter Boxup the Metrology Satellite
v. 100 Meta Capita Head = Selected International Foundation & Agency (Generic Biblical Capita)(Holy Spirit in Grace Alone the Meta Atonement, Final Kelvin Mark)

E. Graded Loop: Think tank Blacklist, 7th Epsilon (1 Risen Meta, Lamb, 1st Flagship James)(Book of Life/12 Fruits Tree)
i. Hebrew (Cowboy Suit, Kingkong the Mafia Leader) Epistle = Pluto Miracle Partitionised of True Love (Unicorn, male)
3rd Mission of Renaissance Milestone Heaven: War & Wall the Authentic Land of True Love
ii. NASA: Nazi Mafia: Public Agency, Swiss Bank, Semitic Security Linked (Weapon Treaty)(Grand, Bytes or Burn)
iii. Twitter: any from many – any from many (Random Post)
Huawei, Power Hub: Scalar Solver, Bios Calibrate (5 in 1, Meta Overclock), Silicon Made (i.e. Quantum Cast Out), Carrier Commuter Teleport, the Heat Enclosure
iv. Huawei, Porting Hub: Universal Device, Modular Extension, Porting (5 in 1, Meta Regulator)(Capita Power), Commuting UFO Easter Bomb, the Light Enclosure
v. 200 Meta Capita Head = Selected Universal Christian Congress (Low Issued Meta Capita)(Holy Spirit in Spiritual Salvation the Official Redemption, 1st Conjugated Data Mark)

F. Graded Core: Thinktank Whitelist, 101per Epsilon (Unicorn Offspring, Original
Flagship Messi)(6 Fallen Meta, Gentile)(101th Chopped/10 Heavenly Kings)
i. Corinthians (Business Suit, Wisery the Architect) Epistle = Holiness Miracle Resurrection of Holiness Love (Animal, female)
4th Mission of Utopia Beta Heaven: Exit the Dream by Seeking the True Love
ii. WHO: Qing Organised Mafia: Royal Agency, IMF Bank, Natalie Security Linked (Toxic/Dust Bill)(Pound, Fabricate or Brick)
iii. LinkedIn: any from many – any from many (Controlled Post)
iv. Macintosh: Cryptographer GPU, AR (4 in 1, Quantum Regulator), Commuting Iron Man the Pentecostal Instrument
v. 200 Meta Capita Head = Selected Multi-National Company (High Issued Capita)(Fasci Stellar Head in Spiritual Salvation the Free Invitation, Original Data Mark)

Errata 19Feb2023

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