Y598. Christian Medicine XXX: Six Chronicle Era & Eschatology Calendar per Energy Packets (Journal)

I. Hygienic Linear Mechanics 1D/4D (Jude/Anglo): Vectorial, Parametric, Navigation, Metrology, Chronography, the Logistic Cost Legislation.
Villain: Quantum Weapon of Commuting Enclosure Bottleneck of Linear Mechanics. i.e. Newton First Law and Second Law to Stellar inclined Mechanics i.e. Germs liked disease.

Nutriology Medicine (Lymph Cell, Grand) vs Pseudo Medicine (Liver Cell, Sterling)

II. Climate Aggregated Mechanics 2D/5D (Levi/Israelite): Ecosystem Economy, Currency Energy Packets in terms of Property Value Referendum.
Villain: Royalism Jack, the Throw Back initiatives. Galaxy Expansion Contraction Cycle interruption. i.e. Climate Change.

Chinese Medicine (Blood Cell, Won) vs Holistic Medicine (Brain Cell, Dollar)

III. Weapon Conjugated Mechanics 3D/6D (Canaan/Hebrew): Nuclear Weapon, Manual Pistol Treaty of Human Right and Religion Diplomacy Treaty. So called Israel Wall revival Initiatives, since 1948 Israel Formed, hence the Christmas Tither Account for non-Baptism Christian viable. The Highlighted Quantum Mechanism dispel the Anti Semitic or Anti Christian as Prime for Illegal operating this Weapon of God created, such as those Modular Universal Machine exclusively too.
One humour arouse is Broken Arrow and Islam Keris long.

Veterinary Medicine (Hormone, Token) vs Clinical Medicine (Nerve Cell, Pound)

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