Y611. Biblical Application: Analytical Love the Circumcision Quarantine vs Pluto Love the Soft Commuting 割礼派 vs 柏拉图派(Broadcast)

I. Corinthians Adventist Multi-theism Holiness 5G/10G EMF Mind Control
Hell vs Heaven, New Noel Economic Space Science i.e. The Coring of Universe, Stellar Civilisation

II. Galatians Renaissance Trinity Agape 4G/8G IR mmCode Viral i.e. Mind Poison->Environment Hue Change (Anti Clock Wise) i.e. Spiritual World.
First World vs Promised Land, Eden Garden New Canaan Abundance of Food & Essential. Civilisation.

III. Titus Utopia Monotheism Liberal 1G/6G ESD Tsunami (1943’CN Tsunami Pearl Korea, Civil War, 1975′ US/CN Tsunami Pearl funky town, 2001‘US Pearl)
Third World vs Utopia, Star War Technology for Fun Civilisation, Parallel

IV. Philemon Oriental Partial Theism UV laser 3G/9G mmGravity Nuclear
Fire Lake vs Oriental Heaven, Babel Tower Architecture Civilisation

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