Y619. War Insight XXXVII: The Stellarhood, Apostolic Duty – Anti Famine, Anti Climate Change, and Anti Global Warming (Broadcast)

i. Tuition Gate (Multinational): Beta Departure (Air Bus Titanic the Wright Brothers) 空中巴士鉄塔尼
Ship/Footprint Mileage Sealed Path (Hall Mark Dramatic i.e. Hollywood): Ancient To present Era
Messi/Joshua/Stevenburg: Thinker
Eden Garden Original Nativity i.e. Korea – Anti Famine

Islam Ally: Eden Garden by St. Stevenburg the Fundamentalist Believer
1G->6G Knowledge Economy (Commuter Renaissance i.e. Promised Land 应许之地)

Adventist Redemption, (Arabic) = F1, F2, F3, F4, repeat 4 times (Pre-baptism 非仪式地)
Fire Lake Route i.e. Dead End Mileage (Unicorn offspring)

Lock 7 Alternate Day = Chronicle Year, Kings Year, Contemporary Year. Lock 1 Centuries 100 years

ii. Toll Gate (Global Class): Express Lane (Oriental Express Train the Elizabeth) 东方快车
Train/Footage Established Flagships Lane (Authentic Methodology i.e. Formula One): Maintain Same Marriage Clan
Jesuit/Santa Claus/Elizabeth: Stakeholder

Herald Ally: Castle in the Sky by Pureland the Tither Account Christian
Herald Thither Nativity i.e. United States – Anti Climate Change
4G->8G Rare Earth Economy (Commuting Renaissance i.e. Utopia 乌托邦)

Herald Collector, (Roman or Latin) = 6 Chronicle times, 4 Awards (Ana-baptism 外邦地)
Third World Route i.e. Empty Social Reflection (Sigma cum A to Z Abraham Generations)/First World Route i.e. Disorder Social Reflection (Sigma offspring)

Lock 6 31st Day = Each per Year, equiv. Lock 5000 lightyears = 1000 years

iii. Licensees Gate (Universal): Sky Lock (Chang’er Land Rover the Rohs) 嫦娥登月
Rocket/Discreet Carrier Signatured Bot (Crime Oriented Treasure i.e. Great Eastern Wall): New Mapping Isle
Chris/Nazareth/James: Doer

Buddhism Ally: Silk Road by Shaolin the Apostolic Martyr
Chinese Nativity i.e. Singapore – Anti Global Warming
Oriental Blueprint Economy (Medicine Renaissance i.e. Solar 7th 后裔的太阳)

Oriental Atonement, (Greek) = 2per Inaugural Sigma 6666 the Off Meta (Ancient Dragon<> Jesus), cum 8per Prophets 八仙过海 (Schism Lamb & Sheep<>Rainbow Bridge)(Post-baptism 立陵地)
Hell Route i.e. Aged Lock Years (Dragon offspring)
Lock 4 Stellar Suit = 100 years, equiv. Lock 4 years
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