Y626. Christian Politics: Time Perceived & the Catch Up of Fellowship (Census)

i. Mars (24) Coral Isle->Moon (24) Comet ->Satellite (24) Asteroid

ii. Major Prophet e.g. Saint, Marty for Salvation->Minor Prophet e.g. Apostle, Anti Nazi, Climate & Social Security->Disciple Anti Fasci Church Reformation

iii. Emperor, Angel rank->Chang’er, Alien rank->Scholar, Genius

iv. Cathedral vs Phantom->Palace vs Prison-> Terrace vs Terrestrial

v. 1 Hr Wage-> 1 Day Stipend ->1.6 Week Compensation

vi. Lock 66 Meta, the 31st New Year Eve Populated, Church 20 Meta 2 Suit, Fasci
Lock 666 Meta, the 31st Each Seasonal Populated, Union 200 Meta 22Suit, Marxism
Lock 6666 Meta, the 31st Windy Populated, Community 2000 Meta 222 Suit, Nazi
->One day 222 Suit. The Good Friday. Or any Weather Calendar Events.

学而时习之,有朋自远方来不亦乐乎 – 传道书3:1-8

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