i. Adventist – Moon (Sand Isle, Modern, Airport), Spiritual Entity – Unicorn (Easter), Nazareth Meta Merge->Web Teleport (Router Mesh, Homeplug, Skynet Nerve Control)
vs Lion Body Human Face, Linger against Ancient (Terrestial Land Federal, Office, Ashed (Book of Esther, Burg->Berg/Meta Merge, *Grace of Spiritual Body)/Semitic Skin, King Made, 3per #7 Timezone Clan), Organic into Gel (Natural Death, UV->ESD Motorised Weapon), Solution: Tinted Wired Glass Window (Apollo Rocket, against Ship Vegan)
Abraham: IR DNA Cluster the Residue->Chromosome Navigation->Traveller Aboriginal (Queen Made)
White Dragon (Hardcore)
NGO vs Consultacy Office (African Chicken liked, 99:1, Meta Merge of 7 Sealed Meta Fade into 1 Sealed)(Prophet Malachi, Puppet, Omega), Revelation
Kulai Berlin Wall, Resort Road vs Stulang Schism Road, Hill Road
Gothic vs Hebrew (Fire Lake, US/HK/JB/DPRK/AFR)
Corinthians (Dust) vs Hebrew
Filled with Evil Spirit Motive->Christian Cult (Vital)
ii. Oriental – Mars (Coral Isle, Metropolis, Harbour), Spiritual Body – Dragon (Halloween), Quantum Sky Merge->Hologram Bruteforce (Router Gun, High Voltage Lens)
vs Trojan Horse, Zombie against Future (Valley Land Federation, Polish (Book of Nehemiah, Claus->Clause/Too Many, *Grace of Holy Spirit)/Japanese Skin Clay God Made, 12per #14 Timezone Clan), Dust into Organic (Sudden Death, Fatal Disease & Tumour), Solution: Magnetic Ferrite Shield
Dark Dragon (Escort)
Adam: EMF RNA Conceived->Genetic Staging->Refugee Diaspora (King Made)
Uniforms vs Clinical Laboratory (Japanese Duck liked, 50:50, Meta Fade into 1 Sealed)(Prophet Zechariah, Sheppard Dog, Alpha->Original), Old Testament
Pontian Milestone Road, Canyon Road vs Skudai Olive Road, Silk Road
Jude vs Jewish (First World, RUS/MY/KL/JPN/THAI)
Titus (Gel of Adam or Serpent a.k.a. Rib *Calcium Dating Number i.e. Hymn Rating, Complex Salted Light i.e. Isle Mapping) vs Judea
Fallen down to Gentile Soul Motive->Satan Cult (Viral)
*27 time zone Eden Garden Milestonte at same coring configuration Organic & Dust & Gel, 6 lock 6666 chronicle era, parallel’ junction at New Year Eve 31st lock 6every year Solar calendar met with Lunar calendar yield Comet Calendar lock10 metric
iii. Promised Land – Sky High (Spacious Isle, Clan, Railway), Spiritual Material – Sheppard Dog (Passover), Jesuit Pentecost Merge->Netbus Porting (Router Magnet, UPS, Heart beat Intelligence)
vs Lost & Found, Cranberries against Modern (Grass Land Governor Tower, Urban, Terrace, Inked (Book of Ezra, Sky->Ski/Lift off Skew, *Grace of Soul)/Germans Skin, 9per #16 Timezone Clan), Gel into Dust (Vegetable Death, Chemistry Weapon), Solution: Ioniser Gas Compressor (Oriental Express Train, against Rocket Residue)
Noel: UV mmDNA Organised->Viral Jumping->Expatriate Indigeneus (Man Made)
Black Dragon (Freelance)
Yellow Collar vs Multinational Governor Tower (Germans Pig liked, 40:60, Meta Split into 7 Sealed, Meta Merge of 7 Sealed)(Prophet Habakkuk, Pekinese, RY), Gospel
Perling Fig Tree Road, Wall Road vs Masai Mile End Road, Airport Road
Polish vs Israelite (Hell, AU/TW/PN/KRE/IND)
Philemon (Organic) vs Colossians
Monster Body Motive->Anti God Mafia Crime Syndicate (Virus)
Ultimate Escape:
Catechism (Book of Life): Doctrine Judification Carrier vs Etymology Carrier
Wife i.e. Dust Value Prospect – Prison Social (Rip)
Father i.e. Stone Value Net Worth – Childhood Social (Dating)
Brother i.e. Diamond Value Net Worth – Retired Social (Patch)
Sister, Dramatic, Horoscopic Meta (Sow)
Mother i.e. Dust Value Prospect – Heaven Social (Carrier)
Holy Spirit Milestone: Better Journey
The first man was of the dust of the earth; the second man is of heaven. 1 Corinthians 15:47
爱是一生一世 , 信是永生永世, 望是今生今世. 此话一出, 万水难滩, 覆水难收, 而路有过之不及也.
Errata 18Mar2023
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