Y645. War Insight XXXX: Bible Leaking Emergency, for Anti Chinese Democracy the Climate Change compare to Anti African Democracy the Terrorism (Whiteboard)

i. Fasci UN Tsunami
Stulang Schism Road, Hill Road UN Gugutha
Alternate Core: Off Duty
Federal Capital Economy – Dime Series
Holy Spirit Flagged Stellar Head
Ancient Dragon 9 Golden Patches High Meta 100% Celebrity

ii. ISIS Terrorism NATO
Pontian Milestone Road, Canyon Road NATO Judi
Extra Core: Lower Bordered
Federation Capital Economy – Won Rolls
Messi & Nazareth Hall Mark
Holy Spirit Necking
Fire Fox Puppet

iii. Fasci ZION Pandemic WWF
Masai Mile End Road, Airport Road WWF Prison
Extra Core: Upper Bordered
Communist Economy – Currency Deficit Property Bonded, Token Junk
Holy Spirit No Fruit
Black Sleep Dragon Freelance

iv. Nazi Economy Body Epidermic KMT
Perling Fig Tree Road, Wall Road KMT Fighting i.e. Nehemiah Israel Wall Revival the Semitic only Communities
Alternate Core: Duty Free
Socialism Economy – Cent Aggregate
Chris Reverse Kelvin Mark
Holy Spirit Milk
Dark Small Dragon Maximal Cryptography Hacker

v. Nazi Communist Genocide NASA
Kulai Berlin Wall, Resort Road NASA Guinea
Grade Core: Generic
Capitalism Economy – Currency Gross in Property Pinned, Grand Bytes
Jesuit Data Mark 8G
Holy Spirit Young
White Samurai Dragon Bastard

vi. Aqueda Earth Quake WHO
Skudai Olive Road, Silk Road WHO Laboratory Semitic Recognition Disabled
Graded Core: Main Stream
Commonwealth Economy – Pound Fabri
Holy Spirit Pilgrim
White Dragon Hardcore

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