Y663. Christian Finance Z4: Currency Impromptu for Economic Usage & Heritage Recognition (Review)

i. Issuer fabric – Pound
Licenses burns – Grand
royalty Master credit card – security rating, CP rating the better
Apostolic African (Corinthians Epistle)(True Quantum) vs Cult the harmony (Judea Epistle)(True Meta)

ii. Gross sterling – Buck
Schism token – Cent
loyalty Dinner credit card – copyright rating, Pac rating the best
Cell Script Governor remark (Galatians Epistle)(Salvation Assurance) vs Mafia the generic (Titus Epistle)(Ante Salvation)

iii. Deficit chipsets – Won
Distrust dime – Dollar
lent American Express credit card – commuting rating, Cap rating the any one best of best
Ancient Royalist Renaissance (Thessalonian Epistle)(High Hierarchy Chinese) vs Gurus the Apostolic Renaissance (Timothy Epistle)(High Hierarchy Indian)

Drawing Board:
holistic codec vitamin organ bills wireless, body organ time disorder caused failure
royal mental ashed enzyme
pseudo veterinary powder topical

A. extra cored (dust liked) eschatology calendar events – social – White Light cast out
B. graded cored (cloud liked) etymology nomenclature – identity – Rainbow Light layered onto
C. alternate cored (earth liked) ecumenical Judification banking – Cryptography – Polarised Light projection whereafter

Copyright (C) 2023, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.