Y667. War Insight XXXV: Crime Disruption Strategy against Unpopulated Genocide, Celebrity Erotic Defect, & Marketplace Security Loophole (Whiteboard)

1st Mission. Codec conversion into De-poison of Mind. Against Broadcast Channel
All treatment of disease of Man Made.
anti God->Social Bonding

Mass Media Approach De-Poison of Covid instead.

2nd Mission. Marriage Misconduction by Erotic Defect. Anti True Love->Inheritance of Future Legacy due Israel Empire spread.

Ethnic Reconciliation within family.

3rd Mission. Medicine Vaccine Guinea of Free Colony. Anti Semitic->Economy Crime Treasure

IT Brands the Governor based Businesses Conspiracy disruption. Modular vs Scalar, Apple vs Windows

*Offbeat Sambal to avoid the Carrier Protocol of Yellow Collar to Uniform service etc. i.e. African Suit to Revelation suit.
To precise, the Knowledge Economy, Rare Earth Economy and Blueprint Fabrication Economy, by Rejection of True Love, Semitic and Jehovah God of Climate.


Codec medicine replacement of injection placebo
isotope blueprint R3 (3 injection demand)
last 12month, 12years (placebo expired date)
Pentecost Unity 100% orthogonal credit (100points submission)
anti true love rejection of heritage community (Not suitable for Proper Family)

Acceptance of multiple pillar concept of maximum 2 tier (Conjugate Pillar Organisation formed)
2 ranking King and Duke (Monarchy Linked)

codec into de-viral (Bear fruit into Medicine)
blueprint r4 minimal (Real Value Blueprint Least the Diagonal Axis)
commonwealth currency packet stability issuer carrier protocol (Populated Axis)

Copyright (C) 2023, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.