Y669. Doctrinal Training: From Motive to Final Resort (Beta+Alpha+Theta) based on Tempered Mileage, Annealed Endervour, and Pasteurised Coring (Census)

i. Herald Christmas: Germany (Presbyterian) – Oriental (Alpha Heaven, Ecumenical Lawsets)

ii. White Christmas: France (Fundamentalist) – Adventist (Original Heaven, Etymology Name System)

iii. Bethlehem Christmas: Israel (Puritan) – Promised Land (Herald Heaven, Eucharistic Judges Congress)

iv. Rest Nativity Christmas: Greece (Eastern Orthodox) – Utopia (Final Heaven, Eschatology Calendar Judification)

*New Theology called Adventist Theology more than Advent Theology

*Heaven constitutes one original Pillar 1st tier and multiple pillar i.e. the 2 tier. i.e. 7th Story Heaven or 11th Omega Heaven.

*Highlight one alternate Pillar and multiple pillar axis on main alternate Pillar is for Twin Galaxy a.k.a. Heaven Footage’ Eden Garden.

*38 Sambals River i.e. Famous Croyals River – Rainbow Bridge, Titus Ship, Concept Car (i.e. since 1930s Singapore-Malaysia Strait, 1st Moon River comparable to United Kingdom and Japan Imperial)

e.g. 八仙过海,猛龙过江,双城故事

*68 Offbeat Sambals Bridge a.k.a. the Rainbow 6 Bridge. – 2nd Connection Bridge to Castle in the Sky (i.e. 5G Clan) e.g. Famous Cable Car.

*If and only the Chronicle rule out all War & Wall, the Rainbow 6 Bridge may chartered.

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