Y67. Shut the Engine (Funding) or Control the Steering (Bandwidth)? The latter for justice, the forth for escape.

Its the world power house of social disorder and anti semitic. I promise its not the church problems.
We should testing on people but not church. I strongly suggest we give up to wrong guess.
And all we know now is not Manchu vs Hongkong, not Western vs Asia, not Israel vs Palestine, not evil vs semitic.
Its Germans vs Jude the major driven force.

The reason is DNA, Sex oriented problems. To cure this, we have to use e.g. Genetic Science. Unfortunately, Those Eagles are born to be Jews, know why? Its good spleen, judgemental. Don’t believe me, you can check Bixx Gate, Buxx Snr, Buxx Jr, and Jox Bxxxx. You will convinced that is a big lie of Hitler, and its spread until today.

Where are those Germans? Portuguese, Cuba, Mexico, Poland, Romania and America. Be careful, they are getting stronger and target Chinese to turn the world upside down. Be calm. They hub in with ISIS, Fasci Japan, Qing Syndicate. The UN exactly.

Want to know how those Germans looks? Bright tooth. Similar to Black but White skin, Drunken eyes like Beethoven. This is God’s will. Belief in Pre-destined? Germans are innocent, just because they bad luck.

The Fight with the Jude, because of their sex oriented and religion denomination. After all are God will. Plan use the contradict of Germans and Jude make the driving force of Anti Semitic. That’s all. Because of their sex defects, they hate Jude.

Remembering Vietnam War? The conspiracy is to hit down Chinese Semitic so as to fulfill the conditions of upside down world conspiracy.

The polar effect is progressive increase going through World War 1, 2, 3 no, The righteous make the correct guess shall go into heaven with Jesus. And this shall keep as confidential until Judgement day.

Will Germans be a better man? Mathematically Not. So all we know, there are visible counter measure, but not the main rootcause. Teach us a lesson.

Apology for your generosity. So what are the Rootcause? Islam very active in their Quran Think tank, called steering, that is the rootcause, we have to solve it by perseverance Religion Unity. Or could it be Aerospace’s Israel, Theology’s Austria, Spiritual’s Vatican, or Magical’s Korea? The Authority of Bible Think Tank, solve it by Church Reformation.

We will never able to solve German vs Jude conflicts. Never dream. Its 3 years old child thinking. It is the alternative thinking by the way.

Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.