Y671. Christian Politics XXVI: Religionism the Anglo Diary 宗教主义之狂人日记 (Census)

i. 3.5G/10G CDMA (Rare Earth Wall) Oriental->7Eleven Heaven (K.O. Heaven) UN Federation eschatology calendar (Jesuit the 7th11th fallen, 8th RY Risen), Patrick UK US RUS MY George Town Currency Skew Commercial PAC rating (Forbidden for Non Islam Legitimated, Burg), Apostolic Brotherhood 忠->爱 (Test on Fashioned, the Calibre)
Halloween Day, Lock 1, Every Year

ii. 4G/5G LTE (Blueprint Wall) Adventist->Original Heaven (i.e. Promised Land Jerusalem) UN multinational Adventist calendar (God kingdom A-J, R-suit Advent), Rabbi AU MY Christ Town Economic Congress Commodity CP rating (Forbidden for Non Natalie, Ski), Fighting Spirit 义->利 (Test on Finance, the Time Metric Tax)
Easter Day Lock 5, Next Day, 25min

iii. 3G/8G GSM (Metrology Wall) Promised Land Babylon->*Herald Heaven (Coherent) UN National KMT Pentecost calendar (Heavenly 10th J-suit fallen), Pope FRA GER Imperial Security, SG TW HK MY Funky Town Security PC rating (Forbidden for Anti Semitic, Berg), Metropolis Accompanied 孝->顺 (Test on Blind Faith, Devotion)
Passover Day Lock 10, Immediately

iv. 1G/6G NR (Knowledge Wall) Utopia Alpha/Renaissance Beta/Eden Theta->Inaugural Heaven (Alpha) UN ARA IND BRU weather calendar (Heavenly A-Z, RQ Top 25% risen), Prophet Islam Countries Investment Bond Linked, MY Pentagon Town Medicine PCC rating
(Forbidden for None, Sky), Sacred Heart 仁->道 (Test on Scholar, the Montage)
Habakkuk Day Lock 2, Seasonal

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