Lamb non repel former false chris
lock1x100perx1000yrs=200metai.e. 10kx100k
100million person
1 person should has approx. 270meta social friend
1/16 populated is Adventist SG->MY (Modern Exodus)
Oriental is developed country fashioned society.
Adventist is God kingdom arrival. in MY’s Oriental. US
Hence by Lock 3, 12 years, we can reach the 270million person populated globally.
But it could be more accounts of unpopulated either way.
The highest meta was in the eschatology era calendar. (lock1)x100personx1000yrs, total 230 million
Present modern era has 75million 2016′ by compress of time, the projection is 25minute. next day. 1 day distanced. 10 years distanced.
High meta is original RY Blood O type, the chinese. many of them. The Lamb. Righteous NATO. in Malaysia. the Nativity Israel, i.e 75% global populated. Jordan Sea Timezone JPN the Final Adventist 7th Islam Country
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