Y697. Universal Duty: The Creation of Four Creatures & Four Final Resort of Heaven from Begins (Bulletin)

Figure 97 Transformer to Crabmachine Difference Comparison

i. 4 in 1, Meta Banked Commuting Instrument
Meta Loops as Time Metric Regulator, Plotter, NATO

Crabmachine hybrid Platform, Commuting instead Commuter etc. 3G recognition Time lapsed mechanism
CPU A-J Duty Free Moses, Santa Clause
Chronology Calendar, Commuting Enclosure, the Traffic Control
e.g. Tabernacle 3G, Chapel 4G, Cathedral 5G, Hunger Machine 6G
Salted Powered Free Loading Rocket
Best Free Rating Climate Protocol unto Carrier
Olive Earth – Heaven Inaugural
Dead End Mileage (Creamy Like Route)(Stalled Sequence Protocol, Islam Renaissance)

ii. 5per, Hub Regulator as Quantum Commuting
Quantum Computing Solver, Processor, ZION

HP regulator Platform, Router, 10G charismatic spirit
CPU A-J Celsius Flea J-suit, Jesuit
100% security unto SOP Banking Thaad etc. Advanced Mirroring
Calligraphy Automatic Wave Correlation by Small Bytes Only, the Mining Burner
Free Costing High Reynold Platform Combustion
Adventist– Oriental Express
Fire Lake (Pearl Liked Route)(Stalled Series Mapping, Babel Tower)

iii. 4per, Hub Router as Quantum Driver
Calculator for Time Metric, Driver as Wifi/Bluetooth, UN

Macintosh Scalar Platform, Adapter, 5G standard connecting
GPU ASCII A-Z Kelvin Flea C-suit, Joshua
Highest Ranked only here, Seeking by Sniff Virginia Footage in Oriental
High End DC-AC Cryptography Ferrite Core, the Fuel Adapter
Free Mileage Tesla Car Homogenous Free Mileage unto Psi Routing Discreet
Oriental – Renaissance
Hell (Supernova Like Route)(Stalled Generation Axis, Noel Ark)

iv. 3 in 1, Functional Tasked, Universal Device
Quantum Functional, Controller, NASA

IBM modular Platform, Transformer, 8G climate act
APU HEX A-Z Fahrenheit Flea R-suit, James
Standard Function, Star Dust Commitment
Specific Universal Constant Corresponded Function
High Mach Logarithm Manual Control presently, Carrier Loading Value 3 kinds Nozzle Flame by Feedback Burden, Jet Turbine, Air Compressor, the Quantum Generator/Compressor
Carbon UV wind or Light Miller Feedback Commuter Flipflops 4per
Free Loading Rocket 12per chain reaction
Promised Land – Utopia
Inaugural to Express Resurrection (Vivid Like Route)(Stalled Rolls Mining, Eden Garden)

Errata 22May2023

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