Y707. Water to Wine Heaven Theory: Messiah & Nazareth Judges onto Ruth Fundamentalist & Samuel Information Technology (Bulletin)

Guinea Colony, are among Chinese due Anti God as well as Ruth the Fundamentalist Failure Tendency. It is root to cored of Wireless and 5G Security Products Mindsets Viral.

99% Transformer Universal 8G
0.5% UFO Adapter, 5G
0.5% Regulator (IronMan), 10G

Holistic Science define by Lawsets of Ecosystem Demography. Samuel must be Justified before New UN formed. Involved with Terrorism 911 series Conspiracy lead Tsunami. Sabotaged Victim.

If New UN security Bank Formed. This Arose and Arise many Lawsuits. Samuel is a person of Technology and Software, the Informatics Emperor. Emperor not Kings.

Emperor & Gurus 年号

天残脚 King Solomon 乾隆 Thessalonians PH DAP Kings

毛毛虫 King Caesar 康熙 Timothy BN New DAP Judges

大胃王 King David 雍正 Philemon PAS MCA Chronicle Proton Myvi Gothic/Hebrew

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